如何在postgres中节省没有时区的时间。我使用休眠Spring MVC的


ERROR: column "receipt_time" is of type time without time zone but expression is of type bytea Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression. Position: 490如何在postgres中节省没有时区的时间。我使用休眠Spring MVC的

private LocalTime receiptTime; 
@Column(name = "receipt_time") 
public LocalTime getReceiptTime() { 
return receiptTime; 
public void setReceiptTime(LocalTime receiptTime) { 
    this.receiptTime = receiptTime; 


public class MyConverter implements AttributeConverter<LocalTime, Time> { 

    public Time convertToDatabaseColumn(LocalTime localTime) { 
     if(localTime == null){ 
      return null; 

     // convert LocalTime to java.sql.Time 

    public LocalTime convertToEntityAttribute(Time time) { 
     if(time == null){ 
      return null; 

     // convert java.sql.Time to LocalTime 


@Column(name = "receipt_time") 
@Convert(converter = MyConverter.class) 
public LocalTime getReceiptTime() { 
return receiptTime; 

也未尝要考虑的是更新Hibernate,所以他们开箱即用。 – Kayaman