Java - 访问不同类中的子类构造函数


我想实例化一个对象(在“Ship”类的“EmptySea”子类中创建)到另一个“海洋”类中以用“EmptySea”对象填充数组。Java - 访问不同类中的子类构造函数



public class Ocean { 

    // Instance variables. 
    public Ship[][] ships = new Ship[10][10]; 
    public int shotsFired; 
    public int hitCount; 

    // Constructor. 
    public Ocean() { 
     shotsFired = 0; 
     hitCount = 0; 
     for (int row = 0; row < ships.length; row++) { 
      for (int column = 0; column < ships[row].length; column++) { 
       ships[row][column] = new EmptySea(); 

public abstract class Ship { 

    // Instance variables. 
    private int bowRow; 
    private int bowColumn; 
    private int length; 
    private boolean horizontal; 
    private boolean[] hit = new boolean[4]; 

    // No constructor needed for Ship class. 

    // Methods (too many to show). 

    public class EmptySea extends Ship { 

     // Constructor. 
     EmptySea() { 
      length = 1; 

     // Inherited methods to define. 
     int getLength() { 
      return length = 1; 

     String getShipType() { 
      return "Empty"; 

     boolean shootAt(int row, int column) { 
      return false; 

     boolean isSunk() { 
      return false; 

     public String toString() { 
      return "-"; 





评论是不适合扩展讨论;这个对话已经[转移到聊天](http://chat.*.com/rooms/130016/discussion-on-question-by-broncosaurus-java-accessing-a-subclass-constructor-i)。 –

了解有关static nested class and an instance nested class之间的区别。

其他一些SO question就一样。

短期:静态声明你的内心EmptySea类,然后读/理解为什么 - 简单地说,没有static的EmptySea实例不能一Ship实例的上下文之外创建。