


In File Name: C:\Users\naqushab\desktop\files\File 1.m1 
Out File Name: C:\Users\naqushab\desktop\files\Output\File 1.m2 
In File Size: Low: 22636 High: 0 
Total Process time: 1.859000 
Out File Size: Low: 77619 High: 0 

In File Name: C:\Users\naqushab\desktop\files\File 2.m1 
Out File Name: C:\Users\naqushab\desktop\files\Output\File 2.m2 
In File Size: Low: 20673 High: 0 
Total Process time: 3.094000 
Out File Size: Low: 94485 High: 0 

In File Name: C:\Users\naqushab\desktop\files\File 3.m1 
Out File Name: C:\Users\naqushab\desktop\files\Output\File 3.m2 
In File Size: Low: 66859 High: 0 
Total Process time: 3.516000 
Out File Size: Low: 217268 High: 0 


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 
     <InFileName>File 1.m1</InFileName> 
     <OutFileName>File 1.m2</OutFileName> 
     <InFileName>File 2.m1</InFileName> 
     <OutFileName>File 2.m2</OutFileName> 
     <InFileName>File 3.m1</InFileName> 
     <OutFileName>File 3.m2</OutFileName> 

下面是代码(我使用Python 2)在我试图实现:

import re 
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 

rex = re.compile(r'''(?P<title>In File Name: 
         |Out File Name: 
         |In File Size: Low: 
         |Total Process time: 
         |Out File Size: Low: 
        ''', re.VERBOSE) 

root = ET.Element('root') 
root.text = '\n' # newline before the celldata element 

with open('Performance.txt') as f: 
    celldata = ET.SubElement(root, 'filedata') 
    celldata.text = '\n' # newline before the collected element 
    celldata.tail = '\n\n' # empty line after the celldata element 
    for line in f: 
     # Empty line starts new celldata element (hack style, uggly) 
     if line.isspace(): 
      celldata = ET.SubElement(root, 'filedata') 
      celldata.text = '\n' 
      celldata.tail = '\n\n' 

     # If the line contains the wanted data, process it. 
     m = rex.search(line) 
     if m: 
      # Fix some problems with the title as it will be used 
      # as the tag name. 
      title = m.group('title') 
      title = title.replace('&', '') 
      title = title.replace(' ', '') 

      e = ET.SubElement(celldata, title.lower()) 
      e.text = m.group('value') 
      e.tail = '\n' 

# Display for debugging 

# Include the root element to the tree and write the tree 
# to the file. 
tree = ET.ElementTree(root) 
tree.write('Performance.xml', encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) 



你在哪里得到空值?你可以请更清楚! –


当一个完整的程序*没有给出预期的结果*时,只需将它分成较小的部分并单独尝试。在这里,您应该首先简单地解析输入并打印您可以找到的部分。只有他们尝试构建一个XML文件。 –


以及您的正则表达式和子元素名称不匹配!他们是故意的吗? –


m = re.search('(?P<title>(In File Name)|(Out File Name)|(In File Size: *Low)|(Total Process time)|(Out File Size: *Low)):(?P<value>.*)',line) 

而不是你给什么。因为在你的正则表达式中,In File Name|Out File Name的意思是,它会检查In File Nam后面的,但是eO后面跟着ut File Name等等。


你可以做到这一点,而不使用正则表达式。 xml.dom.minidom可用于美化您的xml字符串。


Node.toprettyxml([缩进= “”[,的NewL = “”[,编码= “”]]])

返回文档的一个相当印刷版。 indent指定缩进字符串并默认为制表符;的NewL指定在每行和默认值的端射出的字符串


import itertools as it 
[line[0] for line in it.groupby(lines)] 



import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 
root = ET.Element('root') 

with open('file1.txt') as f: 
    lines = f.read().splitlines() 

#add first subelement 
celldata = ET.SubElement(root, 'filedata') 

import itertools as it 
#for every line in input file 
#group consecutive dedup to one 
for line in it.groupby(lines): 
    #if its a break of subelements - that is an empty space 
    if not line: 
     #add the next subelement and get it as celldata 
     celldata = ET.SubElement(root, 'filedata') 
     #otherwise, split with : to get the tag name 
     tag = line.split(":") 
     #format tag name 
     el=ET.SubElement(celldata,tag[0].replace(" ","")) 
     tag=' '.join(tag[1:]).strip() 

     #get file name from file path 
     if 'File Name' in line: 
      tag = line.split("\\")[-1].strip() 
     elif 'File Size' in line: 
      splist = filter(None,line.split(" ")) 
      tag = splist[splist.index('Low:')+1] 
     el.text = tag 

#prettify xml 
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom 
formatedXML = minidom.parseString(
             root)).toprettyxml(indent=" ",encoding='utf-8').strip() 
# Display for debugging 
print formatedXML 

#write the formatedXML to file. 
with open("Performance.xml","w+") as f: 

输出: Performance.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <InFileName>File 1.m1</InFileName> 
    <OutFileName>File 1.m2</OutFileName> 
    <InFileName>File 2.m1</InFileName> 
    <OutFileName>File 2.m2</OutFileName> 
    <InFileName>File 3.m1</InFileName> 
    <OutFileName>File 3.m2</OutFileName> 



完美!只有一件事,我该如何检查多个新行,因为生成的txt在开始和结束时可能有一些空行? – naqushab


itertools groupby应该做的伎俩!我已经添加了相同的编辑。 –


这个标志可以让你正则表达式写得 看起来更好。模式中的空白被忽略,除非在 字符类中或者在前面加上未转义的反斜杠,并且当 行在字符类中既不包含'#',也不包含前缀为未转义的反斜杠的所有字符,最左边的'#'通过 行结束被忽略。在正则表达式
