

我想获得一个函数,提示用户输入信息,然后将该信息传递给对象。到目前为止,它似乎没有这样做。 Javascript-从函数返回一个对象

// my object constructor 
var Person = function (firstName, lastName, areaCode, phone) { 
    this.firstName = firstName; 
    this.lastName = lastName; 
    this.areaCode = areaCode; = phone; 

// my function to get user info 
function getInfo() { 
    firstName = prompt("What is your first name: "); 
    lastName = prompt("What is your last name: "); 
    areaCode = prompt("What is your area code: "); 
    phone = prompt("What is your phone number: "); 
    var guy = Person(firstName, lastName, areaCode, phone); 
    return guy; 

// calling the function 

// test to see if it actually worked 


你缺少 “新的” 变种人=新的Person(名字,姓氏,AREACODE,电话); – 2014-09-21 15:57:23


另外,您没有使用返回值。 – SLaks 2014-09-21 15:59:43


  • 当实例构造函数,你必须使用new
  • 如果你在一个函数内声明一个变量(guy),它将不能从外部访问。你可以
    • 在外面声明它,并在函数内设置它的值。
    • 将其返回到外部。在这种情况下,您必须使用返回值。
  • 您没有在getInfo中定义变量。然后,它只会在非严格模式下工作,并且会变成全局的,这可能是不好的。

// my object constructor 
var Person = function (firstName, lastName, areaCode, phone) { 
    this.firstName = firstName; 
    this.lastName = lastName; 
    this.areaCode = areaCode; = phone; 

// my function to get user info 
function getInfo() { 
    var firstName = prompt("What is your first name: "), 
     lastName = prompt("What is your last name: "), 
     areaCode = prompt("What is your area code: "), 
     phone = prompt("What is your phone number: "); 
    return new Person(firstName, lastName, areaCode, phone); 

// calling the function 
var guy = getInfo(); 

// test to see if it actually worked 


'getInfo'中的四个变量缺少'var',不希望它们使用外部作用域 – Shai 2014-09-21 16:03:52


问题4,不使用'getInfo()' – bmceldowney 2014-09-21 16:06:46


的返回值@Oriol到达那里 - 现在前两个是本地的。 .. ;-) – Shai 2014-09-21 16:08:18