

我在解析XML内容并在ui中显示时遇到问题。 XML有就是这个样子通过tbxml解析xml后删除特殊字符

<fullDescription>3.2GHz PowerPC CPU ATI GPU 512 MB 700 MHz GDDR3 RAM 1x Wireless Game Controller 3x USB 2.0 port XBOX Live ready 20GB HDD HD-AV-Kabel für High-Definition Output (720p, 1080i) inkl.</fullDescription> 


3.2GHz PowerPC CPU  ATI GPU  512 MB 700 MHz GDDR3 RAM  1x Wireless Game Controller  3x USB 2.0 port  XBOX Live ready  20GB HDD  HD-AV-Kabel für High-Definition Output (720p, 1080i)  inkl. 

我曾尝试已经提到的解决方案的数量元素的含量清理特殊字符,例如 HTML character decoding in Objective-C/Cocoa Touch 甚至修改的方法,包括“A”,双空间似乎没有任何工作..

我不能使用Github上NSString category for HTML因为该代码似乎不兼容ARC,当我尝试在我的项目中使用它时,出现各种各样的错误。




// NSString_stripHtml.h 
// Copyright 2011 Leigh McCulloch. Released under the MIT license. 

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 

@interface NSString (stripHtml) 
- (NSString*)stripHtml; 

// NSString_stripHtml.m 
// Copyright 2011 Leigh McCulloch. Released under the MIT license. 

#import "NSString_stripHtml.h" 

@interface NSString_stripHtml_XMLParsee : NSObject<NSXMLParserDelegate> { 
    NSMutableArray* strings; 
- (NSString*)getCharsFound; 

@implementation NSString_stripHtml_XMLParsee 
- (id)init { 
    if((self = [super init])) { 
     strings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 
    return self; 

- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser*)parser foundCharacters:(NSString*)string { 
    [strings addObject:string]; 
- (NSString*)getCharsFound { 
    return [strings componentsJoinedByString:@""]; 

@implementation NSString (stripHtml) 
- (NSString*)stripHtml { 
    // take this string obj and wrap it in a root element to ensure only a single root element exists 
    NSString* string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<root>%@</root>", self]; 

    // add the string to the xml parser 
    NSStringEncoding encoding = string.fastestEncoding; 
    NSData* data = [string dataUsingEncoding:encoding]; 
    NSXMLParser* parser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:data]; 

    // parse the content keeping track of any chars found outside tags (this will be the stripped content) 
    NSString_stripHtml_XMLParsee* parsee = [[NSString_stripHtml_XMLParsee alloc] init]; 
    parser.delegate = parsee; 
    [parser parse]; 

    // log any errors encountered while parsing 
    //NSError * error = nil; 
    //if((error = [parser parserError])) { 
    // NSLog(@"This is a warning only. There was an error parsing the string to strip HTML. This error may be because the string did not contain valid XML, however the result will likely have been decoded correctly anyway.: %@", error); 

    // any chars found while parsing are the stripped content 
    NSString* strippedString = [parsee getCharsFound]; 

    // get the raw text out of the parsee after parsing, and return it 
    return strippedString; 