


  1. 仍接入分机方法
  2. 进入新的类实例方法


#region Assembly FooExtensions 
public static class FooExtensions 
    public static string GetMessage(this IFoo foo) 
     return foo.Message; 

#region Assembly IFoo 
public interface IFoo 
    string Message { get; } 

#region Assembly Foo before update 
namespace FooBefore 
    public class Foo : IFoo 
     public string Message 
      get { return "message"; } 

#region Assembly Foo after update 
namespace FooAfter 
    public class Foo : IFoo 
     public string GetMessage() { return "bar"; } 

     public string Message 
      get { return "message"; } 

#region Assembly Test 
public class Class1 
    public void T() 
     // if extension method is implemented in new version of deriving assembly and 
     // just that assembly is switched but not dependent assemblies, what happens? 

     // before update: extension method, as we know it 
     Console.WriteLine((Activator.CreateInstance("Foo.DLL", "Foo").Unwrap() as IFoo).GetMessage()); 
     // after update: class instance method, but do we know? 
     Console.WriteLine((Activator.CreateInstance("Foo.DLL", "Foo").Unwrap() as IFoo).GetMessage()); 
