

我是新来Kinetic js和有问题搞清楚如何从移动的边界,然后创建一个空白Kineticjs组图片拖动


//photo layer 
var photoGroup = new Kinetic.Group({ x: layout.photoGroup.x, y: layout.photoGroup.y, draggable: true }); 

var Photolayer = new Kinetic.Layer(); 

var cropArea = new Kinetic.Rect({ 
    x: layout.cropAreaRect.x, 
    y: layout.cropAreaRect.y, 
    width: layout.cropAreaRect.width, 
    height: layout.cropAreaRect.height, 
    fill: "white", 
    listening: false 



你尝试使用'dragBoundFunc'? – lavrton


@lavrton我做了,但不知道如何去决定'pos.x'和'pos.y'?你有什么建议吗? – Kevin


黄金矩形是我们打算限制其内的区域。蓝色矩形显示我们计算的区域 - 与黄金不同,因为我们使用可拖动的前缀作为数学的基础,我们必须考虑它自己的宽度和高度。红色块可以是图像或任何Konvajs元素。


// add a stage 
var s = new Konva.Stage({ 
    container: 'container', 
    width: 800, 
    height: 600 

// add a layer   
var l = new Konva.Layer(); 

// Add a green rect to the LAYER just to show boundary of the stage. 
var green = new Konva.Rect({stroke: 'lime', width: 800, height: 600, x: 0, y: 0}); 


// Add a gold rect to the LAYER just to give some visual feedback on intended drag limits 
var gold = new Konva.Rect({stroke: 'gold', width: 400, height: 200, x: 55, y: 55}); 


// Add a red rect to act as our draggable 
var red = new Konva.Rect({fill: 'red', stroke: 'red', width: 40, height: 50, x: 65, y: 65, draggable: true, 
     dragBoundFunc: function(pos) { 
        var newX = pos.x; 
        if (newX < minX){ newX = minX}; 
        if (newX > maxX){ newX = maxX}; 

        var newY = pos.y; 
        if (newY < minY){ newY = minY}; 
        if (newY > maxY){ newY = maxY}; 

        $("#info").html('Info: Pos=(' + newX + ', ' + newY + ') range X=' + minX + ' - ' + maxX + ' Y=' + minY + ' - ' + maxY); 
      return { 
       x: newX, 
       y: newY 



// calculate the drag boundary once for performance - we need to have the draggable element size for this ! 
var goldPos = gold.getAbsolutePosition() 
var minX = goldPos.x; 
var maxX = goldPos.x + gold.width() - red.width(); 
var minY = goldPos.y; 
var maxY = goldPos.y + gold.height() - red.height(); 


// Add a blue rect to the LAYER just show the computed drag limits - note the subtraction of the draggable element dimensions from maxX & Y. Note the 1px adjustment is to avoid overlapping the gold rect in the demo and is not required for live. 
var blue = new Konva.Rect({stroke: 'blue', opacity: 0.2, width: 399 - red.width(), height: 199 - red.height(), x: 56, y: 56}); 

// bring red back to top so we can drag it 

l.draw(); // redraw the layer it all sits on.
#container { 
    border: 1px solid #ccc; 
#info { 
height: 20px; 
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; 
#hint { 
font-style: italic; 
<script src=""></script> 
<script src=""></script> 


<div id='hint'>Hint: green is stage, gold is intended drag limit, blue is computed drag limit.<br/>Drag the red block!</div> 

<div id='info'>Info:</div> 

    <div id="container"></div> 


该soln帮助了很多。谢谢 – Kevin


const dragRect = new Konva.Rect({ 
    x: window.innerWidth/2 - 50, 
    y: window.innerHeight/2 - 50, 
    width: 100, 
    height: 100, 
    fill: 'green', 
    draggable: true, 
    dragBoundFunc: (pos) => { 
    const leftBound = cropRect.x(); 
    const rightBound = cropRect.x() + cropRect.width() - dragRect.width(); 
    pos.x = Math.max(leftBound, Math.min(rightBound, pos.x)); 

    const topBound = cropRect.y(); 
    const bottomBound = cropRect.y() + cropRect.height() - dragRect.height(); 
    pos.y = Math.max(topBound, Math.min(bottomBound, pos.y)); 
    return pos; 

