


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <time.h> 
/* Easy dice game 
| The game consists of 7 rounds. 
| In each round, the computer throws a die, 
| then the human throws a die. 
| The winner of the round is the player who has the highest throw. 
| In case of a tie, neither player wins. 
| The winner of the game is the player who has won the most rounds. 

char input[132]; /* user input buffer */ 

int throwDie() 
static int initialized = 0; 
int num; 

if (!initialized) 
printf("Initializing Die!\n\n"); 
initialized = 1; 
num = rand()%6 + 1 ; 
return num; 

// Human turn 

int humanTurn() 
int toss; 
toss = throwDie(); 
printf("Human throws a %d\n", toss); 
return toss; 


// Computer turn 

int computerTurn() 
int toss; 
toss = throwDie(); 
printf("Computer throws a %d\n", toss); 
return toss; 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
int round, humanWins=0, computerWins=0 ; 
int humanToss, computerToss; 
int i = 0; 
const int numberOfRounds = 7; 
char ta=0; 
/* Play 7 Rounds */ 
for (round = 1; round<=numberOfRounds; round++) 
printf("\nRound %d\n\n", round); 
printf("Player's Turn: (hit enter)"); 
gets(input); /* pause for dramatic effect */ 
humanToss = humanTurn(); 
printf("Do you wish to throw again? [Y or N]"); 
scanf("%s", ta); 

while (ta = 'Y') 

    if(ta = 'Y') 
    humanToss = humanTurn(); 
    printf("Do you wish to throw again? [Y or N]"); 
    scanf("%s", ta); 

printf("Computer's Turn: (hit enter)"); 

    gets(input); /* pause for dramatic effect */ 
    computerToss = computerTurn(); 

    /* Determine Winner of the Round */ 
    if (humanToss > computerToss) 
    printf("\tHuman wins the round. human: %3d. computer: %3d\n", 
    humanWins, computerWins); 
    else if (computerToss > humanToss) 
    printf("\tComputer wins the round. human:%3d. computer: %3d\n", 
    humanWins, computerWins); 
    else if (computerToss == humanToss) 
    printf("\tTie.      human:%3d. computer: %3d\n", 
    humanWins, computerWins); 

    /* Determine Winner to the Game */ 
    if (humanWins > computerWins) 
    printf("\n\nWINNER!! The human wins the game!\n"); 
    else if (computerWins < humanWins) 
    printf("\n\nThe computer wins the game!\n"); 
    printf("\n\nTie Game!\n"); 

    return 0; 

建议:摆脱代码的99%,看看你可以创建一个循环,它你想要什么。然后将其余的代码添加回来,直到它中断。 – Floris 2013-02-13 03:20:09


建议#2:*启用并阅读警告*(对于GCC,我推荐的最低限度是[-Wall](http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html)) – 2013-02-13 03:31:28


此外,为了进一步阅读,查找[“yoda条件”](http://*.com/search?q=yoda+conditional) – 2013-02-13 03:35:04

while (ta = 'Y') 

应该while (ta == 'Y')



你只是打败了我... – Floris 2013-02-13 03:21:14


也是它下面的if语句。 – Nashibukasan 2013-02-13 03:21:27


注意:“启用警告”可能会将此检测为可疑。 – 2013-02-13 03:30:19