
Having software like Microsoft Office is nice, but what if you are away from your regular computer? You can access and work on your documents wherever you are in a browser using the Zoho Online Office Suite.

拥有Microsoft Office之类的软件很好,但是如果您远离常规计算机该怎么办? 您可以使用Zoho Online Office Suite在浏览器中的任何位置访问和处理文档。

What You Get With Zoho


You get access to a wonderful set of productivity/collaboration apps and the business apps. With a free account there is a limitation on numbers (users, etc.) for the business apps but for the regular everyday person this can still be very useful.

您可以访问一组出色的生产力/协作应用程序和业务应用程序。 拥有免费帐户后,商务应用程序的数量(用户等)受到限制,但对于普通人而言,这仍然非常有用。


Signing Up For Zoho


Signing up for an account is easy to do…you only need to provide a user name, e-mail address, and password.



Or if you prefer you can use a Federated Sign In using the services shown here.



Once you have finished signing up for your new account you will be presented with the following message. At this point you could go ahead and continue signing into your new account but it would be better to take care of the verification e-mail first (recommended).

完成新帐户的注册后,系统将显示以下消息。 此时,您可以继续并继续登录您的新帐户,但是最好先处理验证电子邮件(推荐)。


When you click on the link in the verification e-mail you will be asked for your new password. Once that is taken care of then you are ready to start exploring and using Zoho.

当您单击验证电子邮件中的链接时,将要求您输入新密码。 处理完之后,您就可以开始探索和使用Zoho。


This is the page that you will see after signing in (you might see the version shown in the first screenshot above). You can use the tabbed interface at the top to set up your profile, add a user pic, and adjust settings such as language & time zone.

这是您登录后将看到的页面(您可能会看到上面的第一个屏幕截图中显示的版本)。 您可以使用顶部的选项卡式界面来设置个人资料,添加用户图片以及调整语言和时区等设置。


On the right side of the page shown above there will be a scrollable list of apps to choose from if you want to go ahead and get started with the apps themselves.



A Look At Some Of Zoho’s Services


Since Zoho has many wonderful services to use, we will just highlight a few starting with the one app that everyone is most likely use…Writer. You get a nice set of formatting and editing tools to work with and a convenient sectional setup on the left side. You can access a list of your documents, shared documents, tag folders, templates, and the trash bin (to easily recover any deleted documents).

由于Zoho有许多出色的服务可供使用,因此我们将从每个人最有可能使用的一个应用程序…作家开始着重介绍其中的一些功能。 您可以使用一套不错的格式和编辑工具,并在左侧有一个方便的分区设置。 您可以访问文档,共享文档,标签文件夹,模板和垃圾箱的列表(以轻松恢复所有已删除的文档)。


The Show app opens up with a slightly different setup from the other services. You can use the tools on the left side to start working on a presentation immediately or see an overview of how Show works.

Show应用程序打开时的设置与其他服务略有不同。 您可以使用左侧的工具立即开始处理演示文稿,或查看Show的工作原理概述。


If you save bits of useful information, links, and images while browsing then Zoho Notebook will definitely be useful to you. You can add images, audio, video, html, and other items to your notes using the tools on the left.

如果您在浏览时保存了一些有用的信息,链接和图像,那么Zoho Notebook绝对对您有用。 您可以使用左侧的工具将图像,音频,视频,html和其他项目添加到笔记中。

Note: See our article about the Zoho Notebook Helper extension for Firefox here.

注意:请 在此处查看 有关Firefox的Zoho Notebook Helper扩展的文章


You also receive a brand new e-mail account in addition to all of the Zoho services that you have access to.



Store up to 1 GB worth of documents online (free account level) with the option to upgrade if you want/need more storage space. You can monitor your account’s status using the Docs app.

在线存储多达1 GB的文档(免费帐户级别),如果您希望/需要更多存储空间,可以选择升级。 您可以使用“文档”应用监视帐户的状态。


Interested in creating a wiki? All that you need to do is choose a name, set the permissions, and pick a theme.

有兴趣创建维基吗? 您所需要做的就是选择一个名称,设置权限并选择一个主题。


Navigating between apps is easy to do using the Switch to Menu at the top of the webpage.

使用网页顶部的“ 切换到菜单” ,可以轻松地在应用之间导航。


Open and run as many apps as needed in your favorite browser without a taskbar full of separate windows.





The Zoho Online Suite provides a useful set of tools for you to access wherever you may be working. Work on your documents without the stress of wondering what software may or may not be available to use on a particular computer’s hard-drive.

Zoho Online Suite提供了一套有用的工具,可让您无论在哪里工作都可以访问。 处理您的文档时,无需担心会在特定计算机的硬盘驱动器上使用或不使用哪种软件。



Sign up for a Zoho Account


Visit the Zoho Homepage


Read the Zoho FAQ


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19409/access-and-edit-your-documents-online-with-zoho/