
该文章转自: https://blog.csdn.net/wangwenxue1989/article/details/49081337  若有不便本人将立即删除!

以FRDM_K64f +Freescale_MQX_4_1_FRDMK64F 为例来说明。
1)UART0 用作printf
2)UART1 实现查询发送和中断接收
中断接收的过程我采用的方法是:在MQX uart驱动的基础上增加callback函数,在callback函数中通过lwsem手段通知另外一个读串口数据的任务


1)user_config.h 中

#define BSPCFG_ENABLE_TTYB       1   // wenxue 0->1 
#define BSPCFG_ENABLE_ITTYB      1  // wenxue 0->1 
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2)在 serinprv.h 中增加一个回调函数

typedef void (_CODE_PTR_  UART_NOTIFICATION_FPTR)(void *); // wenxue 2015-10-12 
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在io_serial_int_device_struct 这个结构中加入

/* UART Notification Callback wenxue 2015-10-12 */
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3)serl_int_kuart.c 中的_kuart_int_rx_tx_isr 函数中加入回调函数的调用

   if (stat & UART_S1_RDRF_MASK) {
      // reading 'D' register performs also cleanup of 'S1'
      c = sci_ptr->D;
      if (!_io_serial_int_addc(int_io_dev_ptr, c)) {
      /* call UART CALL Back function if installed  wenxue         2015-10-12*/
      if(int_io_dev_ptr->DEV_RX_TX_CALLBACK != NULL)
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4)serl_int.c和serial.h 增加ioctl 安装回调函数的支持
_io_serial_int_ioctl 中

   /* add IO_IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_RXTX_CALLBACK wenxue 2015-10-12 */    
         int_io_dev_ptr->DEV_RX_TX_CALLBACK = (UART_NOTIFICATION_FPTR)param_ptr;
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5)在原hello 工程中做修改,完成应用程序

* Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 1989-2008 ARC International
* This software is owned or controlled by Freescale Semiconductor.
* Use of this software is governed by the Freescale MQX RTOS License
* distributed with this Material.
* See the MQX_RTOS_LICENSE file distributed for more details.
* Brief License Summary:
* This software is provided in source form for you to use free of charge,
* but it is not open source software. You are allowed to use this software
* but you cannot redistribute it or derivative works of it in source form.
* The software may be used only in connection with a product containing
* a Freescale microprocessor, microcontroller, or digital signal processor.
* See license agreement file for full license terms including other
* restrictions.
* Comments:
*   This file contains the source for the hello example program.

#include <mqx.h>
#include <bsp.h> 
#include <fio.h>

#error This application requires BSPCFG_ENABLE_IO_SUBSYSTEM defined non-zero in user_config.h. Please recompile BSP with this option.

#error This application requires BSP_DEFAULT_IO_CHANNEL to be not NULL. Please set corresponding BSPCFG_ENABLE_TTYx to non-zero in user_config.h and recompile BSP with this option.

/* Task IDs */
#define HELLO_TASK 5
#define READ_TASK    6

extern void hello_task(uint32_t);
extern void read_task(uint32_t initial_data);

MQX_FILE_PTR uart1_int_dev = NULL;

void uart1_rx_callback(void *param);

LWSEM_STRUCT   uart1_frame_received; // wenxue

const TASK_TEMPLATE_STRUCT  MQX_template_list[] = 
    /* Task Index,   Function,   Stack,  Priority, Name,     Attributes,          Param, Time Slice */
    { HELLO_TASK,   hello_task, 1500,   8,        "hello",  MQX_AUTO_START_TASK, 0,     0 },
    { READ_TASK,    read_task,  1000,   8,          "read",     MQX_AUTO_START_TASK, 0,     0 }, // added by wenxue
    { 0 }

* Task Name    : hello_task
* Comments     :
*    This task prints " Hello World "
void hello_task
        uint32_t initial_data
   (void)initial_data; /* disable 'unused variable' warning */
    uint32_t result;
    MQX_FILE_PTR uart1_dev = NULL;
    int buad = 115200;
    char data_buffer[]="I Love Beijing\r\n";

    printf("Hello World\n");  // uart0 

    uart1_dev=fopen( "ttyb:", NULL);

    if( uart1_dev == NULL )
      /* device could noFt be opened */

    /* Set baud as 115200 */
    result = ioctl(uart1_dev,IO_IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BAUD,&buad);

   if( result == IO_ERROR_INVALID_IOCTL_CMD )
      /* ioctl not supported, use newer MQX version */

   /* send data to uart */
   write( uart1_dev, data_buffer, strlen(data_buffer));

   /* wait for transfer complete flag */
   result = ioctl( uart1_dev, IO_IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_FOR_TC, NULL );
   if( result == IO_ERROR_INVALID_IOCTL_CMD )
      /* ioctl not supported, use newer MQX version */


   uart1_int_dev=fopen( "ittyb:", NULL);
   if( uart1_dev == NULL )
      /* device could not be opened */

  result = ioctl( uart1_int_dev, IO_IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_RXTX_CALLBACK, (void*)uart1_rx_callback ); 

  if( result == IO_ERROR_INVALID_IOCTL_CMD )
      /* ioctl not supported, use newer MQX version */

   /* Create the lightweight semaphores */
   result = _lwsem_create(&uart1_frame_received, 0);
   if (result != MQX_OK) {
      printf("\nCreating read_sem failed: 0x%X", result);

  /* Has already called _int_install_isr(sci_init_ptr->RX_TX_VECTOR, _kuart_int_rx_tx_isr, int_io_dev_ptr); wenxue*/
  //_int_install_isr(INT_UART1_RX_TX, UART1_RX_ISR,NULL); 



void uart1_rx_callback(void *param)

* Task Name : read_task
* Comments  : This task used to read uart data

void read_task 
      uint32_t initial_data
   uint32_t  bytesRead; 
   int num=0;
   char data_buffer[100];

   printf("\n read task created: 0x%lX", initial_data);
   while (TRUE) {
      if (_lwsem_wait(&uart1_frame_received) != MQX_OK) {
         printf("\n_lwsem_wait failed");
   /* read  data */ 
   bytesRead= fread(data_buffer, 1, 1, uart1_int_dev);

   /* write data */ 

/* EOF */
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bytesRead= fread(data_buffer, 1, 1, uart1_int_dev);默认打开方式是blocking 方式,所以如果想通过fread 读取多字节数据,这时会阻塞住,直到读取完成再返回。
也可以uart1_int_dev=fopen( “ittyb:”, (char const *) IO_SERIAL_NON_BLOCKING); 以Non blocking方式打开,这时fread可以立刻返回。

UART1 先输出 I Love Beijing
在UART1 接收到一个字符后,通过UART1再输出。

相关资料下载:链接: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qW7ph3e 密码: nffd

--------------------- 本文来自 若风飘茫 的CSDN 博客 ,全文地址请点击:https://blog.csdn.net/wangwenxue1989/article/details/49081337?utm_source=copy