

简短概述 (A short overview)

Cyber-physical systems are, as the name suggests, complex software-driven toolchains. They achieve high levels of integration and automation with the help of 3D printing, wireless communication, augmented reality and other high-tech innovations. A good example of a cyber-physical system is a self-driving car.

顾名思义,网络物理系统是复杂的软件驱动工具链。 他们借助3D打印,无线通信,增强现实和其他高科技创新实现了高度的集成和自动化。 自动驾驶汽车是网络物理系统的一个很好的例子。

The cyber-physical lab at ITMO University is a space for interdisciplinary experimentation. It attracts students from a wide range of departments, including, but not limited to computer science, cybersecurity and engineering. At the core of the concept is a free exchange of ideas, opinions and knowledge.

ITMO大学的网络物理实验室是一个跨学科实验的空间。 它吸引了来自各个部门的学生,包括但不限于计算机科学,网络安全和工程学。 该概念的核心是思想,观点和知识的*交换。

我们的设备 (Our equipment)

The lab currently occupies the space that used to belong to the department of applied and theoretical mechanics. It was redesigned in accordance with students’ wishes — and is therefore fit for a wide range of activities. The main room of the lab contains a robotics test site alongside a small number of workspaces.

该实验室目前占据了以前属于应用力学和理论力学系的空间。 根据学生的意愿对它进行了重新设计,因此适合各种活动。 实验室的主房间包含一个机器人测试站点以及少量工作区。

This space is used to experiment with automated multi-agent systems and test robots’ navigation skills. Sometimes special indoor drones are deployed to assist with the troubleshooting.

该空间用于试验自动化多代理系统并测试机器人的导航技能。 有时会部署特殊的室内无人机以协助进行故障排除。


The ceiling cameras capture drones’ movement and provide feedback necessary for their safe deployment.



A modest presentation space is separated from the working area by a folding wall. It’s got everything you’d need for a seminar: chairs, a projector, a screen and a whiteboard.

适度的展示空间通过折叠墙与工作区隔开。 拥有研讨会所需的一切:椅子,投影仪,屏幕和白板。


It comfortably seats a small group of students.



The windowed partition wall (pictured above) hides an office area with desktop computers and laptops.



The huge whiteboard wall helps residents visualise complex algorithms and business processes.



The coffee break area houses a traditional blackboard, so that no ideas ever go to waste.



To make the space more functional, we’ll soon be placing a TV in the break area.



我们的项目 (Our projects)

The cyber-physical systems lab is home to a number of projects.


Some of our staff are working on a set of algorithms to optimize the assembly of locomotives. Technologists make sure all the manufacturing variables are accounted for, mathematicians develop the algorithms, and programmers create the software that brings it all to life.

我们的一些人员正在研究一组算法,以优化机车的组装。 技术人员确保将所有制造变量都考虑在内,数学家开发算法,程序员创建使一切栩栩如生的软件。

We’re also building a flight simulator for professional pilot training. This complex cyber-physical system closely simulates all the processes that occur on an actual plane, and visualises them using virtual reality tech. We’re even working on a special seat that imitates high-g conditions.

我们还正在为专业飞行员培训构建飞行模拟器。 这个复杂的网络物理系统密切模拟实际平面上发生的所有过程,并使用虚拟现实技术将其可视化。 我们甚至在模仿高g条件的特殊座椅上工作。

Last, but not least, over the years our lab has been home to a number of big commercial projects. As a part of the university’s “Industry 4.0” program, our staff has taken on the development of a smart automation system for Diakont JSC. The aim is to automate every possible process: from sourcing and prototyping to final assembly and sales. To tackle this task, our staff is developing new optimization algorithms that incorporate neural networks and artificial intelligence solutions.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,多年来,我们的实验室已成为许多大型商业项目的所在地。 作为大学“ 工业4.0 ”计划的一部分,我们的员工致力于Diakont JSC的智能自动化系统的开发 。 目的是使每个可能的过程自动化:从采购和原型制作到最终组装和销售。 为了解决此任务,我们的员工正在开发新的优化算法,该算法结合了神经网络和人工智能解决方案。

共享治理 (Shared governance)

The lab is governed by a board of elected officials from our computer science and control systems “megadepartment”. Its members are distinguished scientists with Ph.Ds in computer science, manufacturing automation, cybersecurity and engineering. Majority support is required for the board to approve a new lab project. The responsibility for the undertaking falls on the shoulders of the board member whose professional competencies most closely align with the subject matter.

该实验室由计算机科学与控制系统“大型部门”的民选官员委员会管理。 它的成员是在计算机科学,制造自动化,网络安全和工程领域拥有博士学位的杰出科学家。 董事会批准新实验室项目需要获得多数支持。 这项工作的责任落在其专业能力与主题最紧密相关的董事会成员的肩上。

A number of students and researchers from different departments are then picked for the project’s execution. They work together to ensure that everything is accounted for by the time it’s too late to go back to the drawing board. As such, this lab was not only the university’s first large-scale interdisciplinary project, but also the first attempt to implement shared governance.

然后,从不同部门选拔了许多学生和研究人员来执行该项目。 他们共同努力,以确保一切都已为时已晚,以至于无法返回图纸。 因此,该实验室不仅是大学的第一个大型跨学科项目,而且是实现共享治理的首次尝试。

进一步阅读: (Further reading:)
