open source软件:kanboard介绍(项目看板)

1. 介绍


2. 特性


There is no fancy user interface, Kanboard focus on simplicity and minimalism. The number of features is voluntary limited.


The Kanban board is the best way to know the current status of a project because it's visual. It's very easy to understand, there is nothing to explain and no training is required.


open source软件:kanboard介绍(项目看板)

You can add, rename and remove columns at any time to adapt the board to your project.


open source软件:kanboard介绍(项目看板)

Avoid multitasking to stay focused on your work. When you are over the limit, the column is highlighted.


open source软件:kanboard介绍(项目看板)

Kanboard have a very simple query language that offers the flexibility to find tasks in no time. Apply dynamically custom filters on the board to find what you need. Search by assignees, description, categories, due date, etc.


  • Break down a task into sub-tasks, estimate the time or the complexity.
  • Describe your task by using the Markdown syntax.
  • Add comments, documents, change the color, the category, the assignee, the due date.
  • Move or duplicate your tasks across projects with one click.


open source软件:kanboard介绍(项目看板)

Don't repeat yourself!, Automate your workflow with automated actions. Stop doing again and again the same thing manually. Change automatically the assignee, colors, categories and almost anything based on events.


Thanks to the different contributors, Kanboard is translated in Bahasa Indonesia, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Chinese (*), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.


Connect Kanboard to your LDAP/Active Directory server or use any OAuth2 provider (Google, GitHub, GitLab...).


3. 安装


vi kanboard.yml

version: '2'
    image: kanboard/kanboard:latest
      - "8005:80"
      - "443:443"
      - kanboard_data:/var/www/app/data
      - kanboard_plugins:/var/www/app/plugins
      - kanboard_ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl
      DATABASE_URL: mysql://kb:[email protected]/kanboard
    image: mariadb:latest
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
      MYSQL_DATABASE: kanboard
      MYSQL_USER: kb
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: kb-secret
    driver: local
    driver: local
    driver: local

执行 docker-compose -f kanboard.yml up

访问http://   admin/admin

open source软件:kanboard介绍(项目看板)


4. 评测

  •   比较简单,方便展示和使用
  • 支持任务里附加附件,方便使用
  • 感觉权限管理有些问题,普通的用户也可以改项目
  • 支持webhook, 方便事件触发到别的系统,方便集成,例如触发jenkins任务执行
  • 支持plugin
  • 支持jsonrpc的API调用,适合集成到devops的方案和产品中
  • 中文支持

5. 参考


6. 看板的知识介绍

What is Kanban?

Kanban is a methodology originally developed by Toyota to be more efficient.

There are only two constraints imposed by Kanban:

  • Visualize your workflow
  • Limit your work in progress

Visualize your workflow

  • Your work is displayed on a board so that you have a clear overview of your project
  • Each column represents a step in your workflow

Limit your work in progress

  • Encourages focus by avoiding multitasking
  • Each phase can have work-in-progress limits
  • Limits help identify bottlenecks
  • Limits avoid working on too many tasks at the same time

Performance Measurement

Kanban uses lead and cycle times to measure performance:

  • Lead time: Time between task creation and completion
  • Cycle time: Time between task start and completion

For example, you may have a lead time of 100 days but only have to work 1 hour to complete the task.

Kanban vs Todo lists

Todo lists:

  • Single phase (just a list of items)
  • Multitasking possible (not efficient)


  • Multiple phases, each column represents a step
  • Bring focus and avoid multitasking by setting a work-in-progress limit per column

Kanban vs Scrum


  • Sprints are time-boxed, usually 2 or 4 weeks
  • Do not allow changes during the iteration
  • Estimation is required
  • Uses velocity as default metric
  • Scrum board is cleared between sprints
  • Scrum has pre-defined roles like scrum master, product owners and the team
  • A lot of meetings: planning, backlogs grooming, daily stand-up, retrospective


  • Continuous flow
  • Changes can be made at any time
  • Estimation is optional
  • Use lead and cycle time to measure performance
  • Kanban board is persistent
  • Kanban doesn’t impose strict constraints or meetings; the process is more flexible

Usage Examples

You can customize your boards according to your business activities:

Software development

  • Backlog
  • Ready
  • Work-in-progress
  • To be validated
  • Validated
  • Deployed in production

Bug Tracking

  • Reported
  • Confirmed
  • Work-in-progress
  • Tested
  • Fixed


  • Leads
  • Meeting
  • Proposal
  • Purchase

Lean Business Management

  • Ideas
  • Development
  • Measure
  • Analysis
  • Done

Recruiting Process

  • Job offers
  • Candidates
  • Phone screens
  • Interviews
  • Hires

Online Shops

  • Orders
  • Packaging
  • Ready to send
  • Shipped


  • Customer Orders
  • Assembly
  • Tests
  • Packaging
  • Ready to ship
  • Shipped