
Most folks learn how to use Task Manager pretty quickly. We've all been on the phone with non-technical-relative and ask them to open up Task Manager.

大多数人很快就会学会如何使用任务管理器。 我们所有人都与非技术人员通了电话,请他们打开任务管理器。

As we move from user to technical-user we are introduced to SysInternals tools and perhaps Process Monitor for finding out what's happening to a disk. However, I find that for quick questions that using Resource Monitor is faster to access and the information is easier to interpret.

当我们从用户转移到技术用户时,我们将了解SysInternals工具,也许还会介绍Process Monitor,以了解磁盘发生了什么。 但是,我发现对于一些快速问题,使用资源监视器的访问速度更快,并且信息更易于解释。

You can bring Task Manager up, of course, by right clicking the Taskbar and clicking Task Manager. Or, hit Ctrl-Alt-ESC as a hotkey for Task Manager.

当然,您可以通过右键单击任务栏并单击任务管理器来启动任务管理器。 或者,按Ctrl-Alt-ESC作为“任务管理器”的热键。

From Task Manager, you may never have noticed the Open Resource Monitor link at the bottom of the Performance tab.



Click that and open up a whole new insight into what's going on.


磁碟 (Disk)

This is all great stuff but I find myself exploring the Disk tab the most.



Remember to sort by Read or Write bytes/sec. I often sort by Total and often find things like DropBox in there.

请记住按读或写字节/秒排序。 我经常按Total排序,并经常在其中找到DropBox之类的东西。

CPU和服务的CPU使用率 (CPU and the CPU usage of Services)

Task Manager is great but it doesn't easily show how much CPU is being used by a Service. Resource Monitor not only lets you easily Filter processes with a checkbox, but you can also sort services by CPU usage.

任务管理器很棒,但是它不能轻松显示服务正在使用多少CPU。 资源监视器不仅使您可以轻松地通过复选框筛选进程,还可以按CPU使用率对服务进行排序


On the CPU tab, is an Associated Handles pane. If Resource Monitor is a well-kept secret, then Associated Handles is a secret within a secret. You can search across all processes for an open file name (or any handle), as well as filter by Process or Service.

在“ CPU”选项卡上,是“关联的句柄”窗格。 如果“资源监视器”是保存良好的机密,则“关联的句柄”是机密中的机密。 您可以在所有进程中搜索打开的文件名(或任何句柄),也可以按“进程”或“服务”进行筛选。


网络活动 (Network Activity)

The Network Activity tab is super useful and jam-packed with information. It makes it easy to find a process from a port or TCP connection.

“网络活动”选项卡非常有用,并且挤满了信息。 通过端口或TCP连接,可以轻松找到进程。


You have this tool and all these views now, and I suspect you might not be using it to the fullest. Perhaps you pull from a number of smaller applets or shareware utilities to pull it all together.

您现在拥有此工具和所有这些视图,我怀疑您可能没有充分利用它。 也许您是从许多较小的applet或共享软件实用程序中提取的,以将它们组合在一起。

Once I reminded myself that Resource Monitor could be launched directly from the Task Manager (an app that I have open often a lot already) I started using it even more. I may just pin it to the Taskbar!

一旦我提醒自己可以直接从任务管理器(一个我已经经常打开的应用程序)中启动资源监视器,我就开始更多地使用它。 我可能只是将其固定在任务栏上!

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/you-arent-using-resource-monitor-enough