视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践

视频生成与视频识别是视频分析的两大任务,前者侧重于对下一帧的预测,而前者则侧重于视频内容的理解。由于视频是由一系列的视频帧组成的,那么如果有大量的视频数据,通过分析视频中动态场景的变化情况,就可以合成出一些小的动态场景视频。这也是论文Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics(http://carlvondrick.com/tinyvideo/paper.pdf)的主要思想。


The primary contribution of this paper is showing how to leverage large amounts of unlabeled video in order to acquire priors about scene dynamics. The secondary contribution is the development of a generative model for video. 





视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践

由于视频通常由静态的背景和动态的前景构成。论文根据这一常识设计了双路的生成模型分别用来生成静态背景 Background 和前景动态Foreground。其合成方式见foregroud, mask 和background的公式。其合成过程的可视化如下图所示:

视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践



视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践


视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 

视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践

视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践 视频生成(Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics)实践