

We’ll now learn to generates counts, which you can then use as features into your logistic regression classifier. Specifically, given a word, you want to keep track of the number of times, that’s where it shows up as the positive class. Given another word you want to keep track of the number of times that word showed up in the negative class. Using both these counts, you can then extract features and use those features into your logistic regression classifier. So let’s take a look at how you can do that.


It is helpful to first imagine how these two classes would look. Here for instance, you could have a corpus consisting of four tweets. Associated with that corpus, you would have a set of unique words, your vocabulary. In this example, your vocabulary would have eight unique words.


For this particular example of sentiment analysis, you have two classes. One classes associated with positive sentiment and the other with negative sentiment. So taking your corpus, you’d have a set of two tweets that belong to the positive class, and the sets of two tweets that belong to the negative class.


Let’s take the sets of positive tweets. Now, take a look at your vocabulary. To get the positive frequency in any word in your vocabulary, you will have to count the times as it appears in the positive tweets. For instance, the word “happy” appears one time in the first positive tweet, and another time in the second positive tweet. So it’s positive frequency is two. The complete table looks like this. Feel free to take a pause and check any of its entries.



The same logic applies for getting the negative frequency. However, for the sake of clarity, look at some example, the word “am” appears two times in the first tweet and another time in the second one. So it’s negative frequency is three. Take a look at the entire table for negative frequencies and feel free to check its values.



So this is the entire table with the positive and negative frequencies for your corpus. In practice when coding, this table is a dictionary mapping from a word class there to its frequency. So it maps the word and its corresponding class to the frequency or the number of times that’s where it showed up in the class.


You now know how to create a frequency dictionary,which maps a word and the class to the number of times that word showed up in the corresponding class.
