nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

nest 架构

nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

Lots of burglars come out at night, which means night vision can be a great feature for your security camera. But if it’s not really something you’ll need, you can easily turn it off on the Nest Cam.

夜间会出现许多盗贼,这意味着夜视对于您的监控摄像头来说可能是一个很棒的功能。 但是,如果不是真正需要的东西,则可以在Nest Cam上轻松将其关闭。

There are very few reasons to turn off night vision, but say you have your Nest Cam placed by a window pointed outside. The infrared light emitted from the camera would create a massive reflection on the glass, which would negate any usefulness provided by the night vision. At that point, you might consider turning off night vision completely, especially if your driveway or street is well-lit at night anyway.

关闭夜视的理由很少,但要说您将Nest Cam放在指向外面的窗户上。 摄像机发出红外光会在玻璃上产生大量反射,从而抵消了夜视仪提供的任何实用性。 届时,您可能会考虑完全关闭夜视功能,尤其是如果夜间无论如何车道或街道光线充足时,尤其如此。

Start off by opening up the Nest app on your phone and tapping on your Nest Cam’s live view.

首先,打开手机上的Nest应用,然后点击Nest Cam的实时视图。

nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

Tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.


nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

Select “Night Vision” from the list.


nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

By default, it will be set to “Auto”, which means the Nest Cam will automatically switch back and forth between night vision mode and day mode based on the time of day. However, you can also choose to have night vision always on or turn it off completely.

默认情况下,它将设置为“自动”,这意味着Nest Cam将根据一天中的时间自动在夜视模式和白天模式之间来回切换。 但是,您也可以选择始终打开夜视或完全关闭夜视。

To turn off the night vision capabilities completely, tap and drag on the white dot and move it to to left under “Off”.


nest 架构_如何在Nest Cam上关闭夜视

After that, your Nest Cam will always remain in day mode and will never turn on night vision mode unless you go back into the settings and switch it back manually.

之后,除非您返回设置并手动将其切换回原位,否则您的Nest Cam将始终保持在白天模式,并且永远不会打开夜视模式。


nest 架构