nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

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nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

By default, the Nest Cam has a status light on the front that’s fairly subtle, but can still be distracting depending on how you use the camera. Here’s how to turn it off.

默认情况下,Nest Cam的正面状态灯非常微妙,但仍会分散注意力,具体取决于您使用相机的方式。 这是关闭它的方法。

Those tiny LED lights on all of your electronics are kind of annoying, and there are ways to cover them up or at least dim them so they’re less harsh. The Nest Cam’s status light LED isn’t too bad, but when you’re viewing the live stream on your phone or tablet, the LED constantly blinks, which can be kind of annoying. And most of the time there’s no real good reason to have it on anyway.

所有电子设备上的那些微小的LED灯都令人讨厌,并且有一些方法可以将它们遮盖起来或至少使其变暗,从而使它们不那么刺眼。 Nest Cam的状态灯LED指示灯还不错,但是当您在手机或平板电脑上观看直播视频时,LED指示灯会不断闪烁,这可能会很烦人。 而且在大多数情况下,确实没有充分的理由要使用它。

To turn off the status light on your Nest Cam, start by opening up the Nest app on your phone and tapping on your Nest Cam’s live view.

要关闭Nest Cam的状态灯,请先打开手机上的Nest应用,然后点击Nest Cam的实时视图。

nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

Tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.


nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

Scroll down and select “Status Light” from the list.


nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

There will be two options that you can toggle off: “Capturing Video” and “Watching the Camera”. The former option controls the entirety of the status light, while the latter only disables the blinking when someone is watching the live view, as explained further above.

您可以关闭两个选项:“捕获视频”和“观看摄像机”。 前一个选项控制整个状态灯,而后一个选项仅在有人观看实时取景时禁用闪烁,如上所述。

nest keyword_如何关闭Nest Cam的状态灯

Keep in mind, though, that disabling “Capturing Video” will also disable “Watching the Camera”, so you can either have the status still on but not blinking while watching the live view, or have the status light off entirely.


Once you toggle off whichever settings, it will automatically save the changes and you’ll be good to go—no need to grab the tape to cover it up!



nest keyword