You are what you read 笔记


This talk is mostly about reading.  You are what you read

others: About writing and presenting

  • why read papers
    • summary / presentation /survey
    • implement / review / learn from it
  • why hard
  • 3 sins
  • disconnect between reading and writing
    • author's intent and reader's learning
  • Like Shannon's, a paper is a channel to communicate the information(message) between source(writer) and destination(reader). Unlike Shannon's, reading is an iterative process of understanding by interpreting the writer's intent(message) into explainable pieces for the reader, which are then buil into reader's cognitive model
  • how to read
    • quick skimming -> figure browsing
    • critical reading -> creative reading
    • deep analyzing
  • task -> need ->context   &   findings -> conclusion -> perspective
  • paper types
  • quick skiming
    • title -> abstract -> introduction -> the rest
    • shallow learning
  • writw a dynamite introduction
  • example:
    • why this paper
    • what findings
    • so what

        ​​​​​​​You are what you read 笔记

  • title 

      ​​​​​​​You are what you read 笔记

  • critical reading: ask questions, be suspicious
  • get stuck
    • web / read more / ask for help
    • You are what you read 笔记
  • creative reading: positive thinking
    • good ideas/ improvements/ applications or extensions/ generalized further
  • review->presentation
    • summary
    • learning from critical reading
    • learning from creative reading
    • opinion

You are what you read 笔记
