op 圣诞节活动_假期的八个极好的圣诞节项目

op 圣诞节活动_假期的八个极好的圣诞节项目

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op 圣诞节活动_假期的八个极好的圣诞节项目

It’s Christmas Eve and if you’re lucky you’ve got some time off ahead of you. Let’s put that time to good use with some holiday-centered geeking out. Come on in for LEGO ornaments, Darth Vader snow flakes, and Christmas light hacks galore.

这是圣诞节前夕,如果您幸运的话,您还需要一些时间。 让我们把这段时间用在一些以假期为中心的怪事上。 快来选购LEGO饰品,达斯·维达(Darth Vader)的雪花和圣诞灯饰。

乐高节日饰品 (LEGO Holiday Ornaments)

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Why limit yourself to using your LEGO blocks to recreate your favorite Dr. Who scenes? Visit the link above to grab LEGO building templates and crank out LEGO block ornaments. You can mix up the colors to make your ornaments as festive or Darth Vader’esque as you’d like.

为什么限制自己使用乐高积木来重新创建您最喜欢的Dr. Who场景? 访问上面的链接以获取LEGO建筑模板并制作LEGO积木装饰品。 您可以根据需要将颜色混合在一起,制成节日或达斯·维达(Darth Vader)风格的装饰品。

切碎一些星球大战雪花 (Slice Up Some Star Wars Snowflakes)

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Speaking of Darth Vader, if regular snowflakes are two boring for your Christmas party these Star Wars snow flakes might be just the right bit of décor. It’ll take more effort than a regular ol’ paper snow flake but the end result is far cooler than anything you ever hacked to life during grade school craft sessions.

说到达斯·维达(Darth Vader),如果常规的雪花使您的圣诞晚会变得无聊,那么这些《星球大战》的雪花可能就是装饰的恰到好处。 与普通的纸雪花相比,它需要付出更多的努力,但是最终结果却比您在小学Craft.io课上学习过的任何东西都要酷得多。

用乒乓球扩散器混合您的圣诞灯 (Mix Up Your Christmas Lights with Ping Pong Ball Diffusers)

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If you’re not one for the glare of naked Christmas lights, this ping pong ball hack is a quick and dirty way to diffuse the light. We’d recommend using an LED strand as the combination of hot incandescent Christmas lights and ping pong balls—which are made of nitrocellulose—seems like a bad idea, even if the operating temperature isn’t near the combustion point.

如果您不喜欢裸露的圣诞灯,那么这种乒乓球**是一种漫长而肮脏的散射光的方法。 我们建议将LED灯串用作热白炽灯和硝化纤维制成的乒乓球的组合,即使工作温度不在燃烧点附近,这似乎也不是一个好主意。

折叠自己的一些纸Craft.io品《塞尔达传说》传说( Link / Zelda ) (Fold Yourself Some Paper Craft Legend of Zelda Fun (Link/Zelda))

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For the paper craft geeks among us, you can deck out your tree or cube with a paper craft Link and Zelda courtesy of some Legend of Zelda loving paper crafts. Check out the Link and Zelda links above to grab the PDF files for the project.

对于我们中间的纸艺极客,您可以使用纸艺链接Link和Zelda(由一些喜欢《塞尔达传说》的纸艺人提供)装饰树或立方体。 请查看上方的链接和Zelda链接,以获取该项目的PDF文件。

清除一些饮料杯并将它们变成迷你闪闪发光的球 (Scavenge Some Drinks Cups and Turn Them Into a Mini Sparkle Ball)

op 圣诞节活动_假期的八个极好的圣诞节项目

Readers in the north United States are likely unfamiliar with sparkle balls. In the southern and south western United States, however, they’re a popular DIY holiday decoration. You need clear plastic drink cups, a strand of lights, and the patience to hot glue or zip tie them together. What starts off as a pile of wire and drink cups ends up looking like some sort of crystal organism, sparkling away on your front porch.

美国北部的读者可能不熟悉闪闪发光的球。 但是,在美国南部和西南部,它们是流行的DIY节日装饰。 您需要透明的塑料饮料杯,一束灯,以及耐高温的热熔胶或拉链将它们绑在一起。 当一堆电线和饮料杯开始时,最终看起来像某种水晶生物,在前廊上闪闪发光。

有一个超级马里奥兄弟圣诞节 (Have a Super Mario Bros. Christmas)

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Not a huge fan of Star Wars? Skip the Star Wars snow flakes above and geek out with all these Super Mario Bros. themed DIY tutorials. Starman tree toppers, 1-UP ornaments, and gingerbread Marios are a few of the clever DIY projects you’ll find in the bundle.

不是《星球大战》的忠实粉丝吗? 跳过上方的《星球大战》雪花片,并观看所有这些以超级马里奥兄弟为主题的DIY教程。 您可以在捆绑包中找到一些聪明的DIY项目,其中包括Starman礼帽,1-UP装饰品和姜饼Marios。

将旧酒瓶塞入带有圣诞灯的时髦环境照明 (Stuff an Old Wine Bottle with Christmas Lights for Swanky Ambient Lighting)

op 圣诞节活动_假期的八个极好的圣诞节项目

If the ping pong lighting was over the top and you’re getting sick of Christmas lights in general, it’s time to repurpose a strand or two and make some wine bottle lamps. They’re super simple to make (I’ve made several over the last year). You need bottles, Christmas lights, and a glass drill bit—which will set you back about $15 at the hardware store. Check out the link above for the full guide.

如果乒乓球照明灯在顶部,并且您通常已经厌倦了圣诞灯,那么该是重新使用一两根灯丝并制作一些酒瓶灯的时候了。 它们的制作非常简单(去年我做了几次)。 您需要瓶子,圣诞灯和玻璃钻头,在五金店要花大约15美元。 查看上面的链接以获取完整指南。

Have a DIY project with an electronic or otherwise geeky angle to share? Let’s hear about it in the comments—share pictures and links to tutorials if you have them.

有电子或其他怪异角度的DIY项目可以共享吗? 让我们在评论中听到它-分享图片和教程链接(如果有)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39330/eight-geektacular-christmas-projects-for-your-day-off/

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