10-2 guided tour

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10-2 guided tour

Guided tours that are worth taking


  1. Hobbiton Movie Set Tour in New Zealand


The only way to see the bucolic Hobbiton Movie Set used in both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies is to go on a guided tour. Tours depart from the Shire’s Rest ticket center and include a bus ride through the 1,250-acre sheep farm followed by a tour of the Shire itself.

要想欣赏《指环王》和《霍比特人》三部曲中田园风的电影布景,唯一的方法是在导游的带领下进行一次观光之旅。游客可以从Shire’s Rest的售票中心出发,乘坐巴士穿过1250英亩的牧羊场,然后参观Shire的景点。

  1. Underground and Third Ring Tour of the Colosseum in Rome


It’s well worth calling ahead to reserve a spot on the Colosseum’s Underground and Third Ring Tour. Often led by archeologists, tourists get to learn about ongoing research at the nearly 2,000-year-old site, and visit areas regular ticket holders don’t.


  1. Evening of Ghosts and Ghouls Tour in Edinburgh


Mercat Tours is the only tour company in Edinburgh with access to the Blair Street Underground Vaults, a series of reportedly haunted chambers completed in 1788. Mercat’s Evening of Ghosts and Ghouls lasts two hours and includes a visit to the vaults, storytelling by candlelight and a dram of Dewar’s Scotch Whiskey.

Mercat Tours是爱丁堡唯一一家可以进入布莱尔街地窖的旅游公司。1788年,许多传闻闹鬼的密室群在此建成。Mercat推出的鬼魅夜游活动时长两小时,内容包括参观地窖、在烛光下讲故事以及品尝杜瓦牌苏格兰威士忌。

Source: https://www.travelandleisure.com/slideshows/tours-actually-worth-taking#7