【图论】Graph Fourier Transform

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【图论】Graph Fourier Transform

Graph Fourier Transform

In mathematics, graph Fourier transform is a mathematical transform which eigendecomposes the Laplacian matrix of a graph into eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Analogously to classical Fourier Transform, the eigenvalues represent frequencies and eigenvectors form what is known as a graph Fourier basis.

Graph Fourier Transform (GFT) is defined as:
GF[f](λl)=f^(λl)=<f,ul>=i=1Nf(i)ulT(i). \mathcal{GF}[f](\lambda_l) = \hat{f} (\lambda_l) = <\pmb{f}, \pmb{u}_l> = \sum_{i = 1}^{N} f(i) u_l^T(i).

  • G=(V,E)G = (V, E): undirected weighted graph
  • VV: the set of nodes with V=N|V| = N
  • EE: the set of edges
  • f:VRf: V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}: a graph signal that is a function defined on the vertices of the graph GG, which maps every vertex {vi}i=1,,N\{v_i\}_{i = 1, \cdots, N} to a real number f(i)f(i). Any graph signal can be projected on the eigenvectors (0=λ1λ2λN)(0 = \lambda_1 \leq \lambda_2 \leq \cdots \leq \lambda_{N}) of the Laplacian matrix L{\bf L}
  • λl\lambda_l: the llth eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix L{\bf L}
  • ul\pmb{u}_l: the llth eigenvector of the Laplacian matrix L{\bf L}

It can also be represented as
[f^(λ1)f^((λ2)f^((λN)]=[u1(1)u2(1)uN(1)u1(2)u2(2)uN(2)u1(N)u2(N)uN(N)]T[f(1)f(2)f(N)], \begin{aligned}\begin{bmatrix}\hat{f}(\lambda_1)\\\hat{f}((\lambda_2)\\\vdots\\\hat{f}((\lambda_N)\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}u_1(1) & u_2(1) & \cdots & u_{N}(1)\\u_1(2) & u_2(2) & \cdots & u_{N}(2)\\\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\u_1(N) & u_2(N) & \cdots & u_{N}(N)\\\end{bmatrix}^T\begin{bmatrix}f(1)\\f(2)\\\vdots\\f(N)\end{bmatrix}\end{aligned},
which is equal to
f^=UTf. \pmb{\hat{f}} = {\bf U}^T \pmb{f} .
Since Laplacian matrix L{\bf L} is a real symmetric matrix, its eigenvectors u1,u2,,uN\pmb{u}_1, \pmb{u}_2, \cdots, \pmb{u}_{N} form an orthogonal basis. Hence an inverse graph Fourier transform (IGFT) exists, and it is written as

IGF[f^](i)=f(i)=<f^,ul>=i=1nf^(λl)ul(i).\mathcal{IGF}[\hat{f}](i)= f (i) = <\pmb{\hat{f}}, \pmb{u}_l> =\sum_{i = 1}^{n} \hat{f}(\lambda_l) u_l(i).

It can be also represented as

[f(1)f(2)f(N)]=[u1(1)u2(1)uN(1)u1(2)u2(2)uN(2)u1(N)u2(N)uN(N)][f^(λ1)f^((λ2)f^((λN)],\begin{aligned}\begin{bmatrix}f(1)\\f(2)\\ \vdots\\ f(N) \end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} u_1(1) & u_2(1) & \cdots & u_{N}(1)\\ u_1(2) & u_2(2) & \cdots & u_{N}(2)\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\ u_1(N) & u_2(N) & \cdots & u_{N}(N)\\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \hat{f}(\lambda_1)\\ \hat{f}((\lambda_2)\\ \vdots\\ \hat{f}((\lambda_N) \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned},

which is equal to
f=Uf^. \pmb{f} = {\bf U} \pmb{\hat{f}}.

Orthogonal basis for the Fourier transform

The eigenvectors of Laplacian matrix are a set of linearly independent orthogonal bases, thus any graph signal can be expressed as a linear combination of the eigenvectors of Laplacian matrix
f=f^1u1+f^2)u2++f^NuN. \pmb{f} = \pmb{\hat{f}}_1 \pmb{u}_1+\pmb{\hat{f}}_2) \pmb{u}_2+\cdots+\pmb{\hat{f}}_N \pmb{u}_N.

Convolution Operation on Graph

Generalized convolution in the vertex domain is multiplication in the graph spectral domain:
fh=IGFT(f^h^) \pmb{f} * \pmb{h} = \text{IGFT} (\pmb{\hat{f}} \pmb{\hat{h}})
which can be also expressed as
fh(i)=l=1Nf^(λl)h^(λl)ul(i). \pmb{f} * \pmb{h}(i) = \sum_{l = 1}^{N} \hat{f}(\lambda_l)\hat{h}(\lambda_l) u_l(i).

  • h\pmb{h}: convolution kernel

Steps of Convolution Operation on Graph:

  1. f^=UTf\pmb{\hat{f}} = {\bf U}^T \pmb{f}
  2. h^=UTh\pmb{\hat{h}} = {\bf U}^T \pmb{h}
  3. h^f^=UThUTf=f^h^\pmb{\hat{h}} \pmb{\hat{f}} = {\bf U}^T \pmb{h} \odot {\bf U}^T \pmb{f} = \pmb{\hat{f}} \pmb{\hat{h}}, i,e,

fh=Uf^h^=U[h^(λ1)h^(λN)]UTf \begin{aligned}\pmb{f} * \pmb{h} &= {\bf U} \pmb{\hat{f}} \pmb{\hat{h}}\\&={\bf U}\begin{bmatrix}\hat{h}(\lambda_1) & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & \hat{h}(\lambda_N)\end{bmatrix}{\bf U}^T\pmb{f}\end{aligned}