ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

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ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

The Notes app in iOS 9 contains many improvements, like drawing sketches and adding photos, but arguably one of the more useful features is the undersung checklist. Here’s how to quickly turn text into a grocery list, to-do list, or wish list in the Notes app on iOS 9, OS X El Capitan, and iCloud.

iOS 9中的Notes应用程序进行了许多改进,例如绘制草图和添加照片,但是可以说,更有用的功能之一是未使用的清单。 这是在iOS 9,OS X El Capitan和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中将文本快速转换为购物清单,待办事项或愿望清单的方法。

如何在iOS 9的Notes中创建清单 (How to Create Checklists in Notes for iOS 9)

To create a checklist on your iPhone (or iPad or iPod Touch), tap the “Notes” icon on the Home screen.

要在iPhone(或iPad或iPod Touch)上创建清单,请点击主屏幕上的“注释”图标。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

If you don’t have any notes in the Notes app, the “Folders” screen opens. Tap on the folder in which you want to create the checklist note. For our example, we’ll use the main “Notes” folder.

如果“注释”应用程序中没有任何注释,则会打开“文件夹”屏幕。 点击您要在其中创建清单注释的文件夹。 对于我们的示例,我们将使用主“ Notes”文件夹。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Tap the pencil and pad icon at the lower-right corner of the screen to create a new note.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Then, tap the gray circle with the plus sign on the right side of the screen just above the keyboard to reveal a toolbar providing quick access to the new Notes features.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

A toolbar displays, providing access the various new Notes features. Tap the circle icon with the check mark in it to create a checklist item.

将显示一个工具栏,用于访问各种新的Notes功能。 点击带有复选标记的圆圈图标以创建一个清单项目。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

An empty circle displays in your note with the cursor right after the circle. Type your first checklist item.

您的笔记中会显示一个空圆圈,光标位于圆圈之后。 输入您的第一个清单项目。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Tap “Return” on the keyboard to add a second item to the checklist.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Keep typing your checklist items, tapping “Return” after each one to create a new item.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

If you already have multiple lines of text in note–say, that you copied and pasted from somewhere else–and you want to convert it to a checklist, select the text


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

…and tap the checklist icon on the toolbar above the keyboard.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Empty checklist circles will be added to each line of text.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

When you’re finished creating your checklist, tap “Done” in the upper-right corner of the screen.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

When you’re finished with your to-do list, you can delete it by tapping the trash icon at the bottom of the screen.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

在Notes中为OS X和iCloud创建清单 (Create Checklists in Notes for OS X and iCloud)

Checklists are arguably most useful on your phone, but you can make them on your Mac as well (and sync them between your devices with iCloud).


To do this on the Mac, open the Finder and head to Applications > Notes. Double-click on the Notes icon to launch it.

要在Mac上执行此操作,请打开Finder,然后转到“应用程序”>“注释”。 双击Notes图标以启​​动它。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

To use iCloud Notes on the web, go to in a supported browser on your computer and sign in using your Apple ID. Then click the “Notes” icon on the main iCloud web page.

要在网络上使用iCloud Notes,请在计算机上受支持的浏览器中访问iCloud.com并使用Apple ID登录。 然后单击iCloud主页上的“注释”图标。

If you don’t see the “Notes” icon on the main iCloud web page, you need to enable it on your iOS device or Mac.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Creating checklists is the same on OS X and in iCloud. Click the pencil and pad icon along the top to create a new note.

在OS X和iCloud中创建清单是相同的。 单击顶部的铅笔和记事本图标以创建新笔记。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

Then, click the “Make a checklist” button on the toolbar to create a new checklist. Type your first checklist item and press “Enter” to add a new one after it. Keep entering items, pressing “Enter” after each one to add a new item.

然后,单击工具栏上的“创建清单”按钮以创建新的清单。 输入您的第一个清单项目,然后按“ Enter”在其后添加一个新清单。 继续输入项目,在每个项目之后按“ Enter”以添加新项目。

ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

NOTE: Using the updated Notes app on will only show notes you’ve created or edited in iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan. Notes from previous versions of iOS and OS X will not show up until you update those devices.

注意:在iCloud.com上使用更新的Notes应用程序将仅显示您在iOS 9或OS X El Capitan中创建或编辑的注释。 在更新这些设备之前,不会显示来自iOS和OS X早期版本的注释。

To delete your checklist note, click on the trash can icon in the toolbar.


ios icloud_如何在iOS 9,OS X和iCloud上的Notes应用程序中创建清单

To remove a checklist circle from an item in a note (on both your iPhone and on, simply put the cursor on that line and tap or click the checklist button again.


You can also share your notes in many different ways with friends and family using the share sheet in iOS 9. However, once an interactive Notes checklist is shared, it shows up for the other person as a non-interactive bulleted list. So it isn’t perfect, but it’ll do in a pinch.

您还可以使用iOS 9中的共享表,以多种不同的方式与家人和朋友共享笔记。但是,一旦共享了交互式Notes清单,该清单就会以非交互式项目符号清单的形式显示给其他人。 因此,它并不是完美的,但会在紧要关头做到。


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