ubuntu 添加桌面图标_将垃圾桶图标添加到您的Ubuntu桌面

ubuntu 添加桌面图标_将垃圾桶图标添加到您的Ubuntu桌面

ubuntu 添加桌面图标

Ubuntu has an option for adding a Trash Can icon to the desktop, which might be a comfort for those of you migrating from Windows.


Just type gconf-editor into the Alt+F2 run dialog to open the Gnome Configuration Editor.

只需在Alt + F2运行对话框中输入gconf-editor即可打开Gnome配置编辑器。

ubuntu 添加桌面图标_将垃圾桶图标添加到您的Ubuntu桌面

Now browse down to the following key:


apps \ nautilus \ desktop


ubuntu 添加桌面图标_将垃圾桶图标添加到您的Ubuntu桌面

On the right hand side, you’ll see an entry called trash_icon_visible. Just check the box. You can also change the trash_icon_name if you’d like. 

在右侧,您将看到一个名为trash_icon_visible的条目。 只需选中该框即可。 您也可以根据需要更改垃圾桶名称

ubuntu 添加桌面图标_将垃圾桶图标添加到您的Ubuntu桌面

And there’s the icon.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/add-the-trash-can-icon-to-your-ubuntu-desktop/

ubuntu 添加桌面图标