icloud 取消桌面备份_什么是Apple的iCloud及其备份?

icloud 取消桌面备份_什么是Apple的iCloud及其备份?

icloud 取消桌面备份

icloud 取消桌面备份_什么是Apple的iCloud及其备份?

iCloud is Apple’s umbrella term for every cloud-syncing feature. Basically, anything that is backed up or synced with Apple’s servers is considered a part of iCloud. Wondering what exactly that is? Let’s break it down.

iCloud是Apple的所有云同步功能的总称。 基本上,任何与Apple服务器备份或同步的内容都被视为iCloud的一部分。 想知道到底是什么? 让我们分解一下。

什么是iCloud? (What Is iCloud?)

iCloud is Apple’s name for all of its cloud-based services. It stretches from iCloud mail, calendars, Find My iPhone, to iCloud Photos and Apple Music Library (not to mention, device backups).

iCloud是苹果公司所有基于云的服务的名称。 它的范围从iCloud邮件,日历,“查找我的iPhone”到iCloud照片和Apple Music库(更不用说设备备份)。

Visit iCloud.com on your device and sign in with your Apple account to see all of your cloud-synced data in one place.


icloud 取消桌面备份_什么是Apple的iCloud及其备份?

The purpose of iCloud is to store data and important information securely on Apple’s remote servers (as opposed to your iPhone or iPad). This way, all your information is backed up to a secure location and synchronized between all of your devices.

iCloud的目的是将数据和重要信息安全地存储在Apple的远程服务器(而不是iPhone或iPad)上。 这样,您的所有信息都将备份到安全位置,并在所有设备之间同步。

Having your information backed up to the cloud has two benefits. If you ever lose your Apple device, your information (ranging from contacts to photos), will be saved to iCloud. You can then go to iCloud.com to retrieve this data or sign in with your Apple ID to automatically restore all this data on your new Apple device.

将您的信息备份到云有两个好处。 如果您丢失了Apple设备,则您的信息(从联系人到照片)将被保存到iCloud。 然后,您可以转到iCloud.com检索此数据,或使用Apple ID登录以自动在新的Apple设备上还原所有这些数据。

The second benefit is seamless and almost invisible. It might be something that you already take for granted. It’s iCloud that syncs your Notes and Calendar appointments between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. It does this for many stock Apple apps and even third-party apps that you have connected to iCloud.

第二个好处是无缝的,几乎是看不见的。 这可能是您已经理所当然的事情。 iCloud可以在iPhone,iPad和Mac之间同步Notes和日历约会。 它对许多苹果股票应用程序,甚至您已连接到iCloud的第三方应用程序都执行此操作。

Now that we have a clear understanding of iCloud, let’s take a look at what it backs up.


iCloud备份了什么? (What Does iCloud Back Up?)

Here’s everything that iCloud can back up and sync to its servers from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac:


  • Contacts: If you’re using your iCloud account as your default contact book account, it will sync all your contacts to iCloud servers.


  • Calendar: All calendar appointments made using your iCloud account will be backed up to iCloud servers.


  • Notes: All notes and attachments in Apple Notes app on all your devices are synced and saved to iCloud. You can access them from iCloud.com as well.

    笔记:您所有设备上Apple Notes应用程序中的所有笔记和附件均已同步并保存到iCloud。 您也可以从iCloud.com访问它们。

  • iWork Apps: All the data that you have in the Pages, Keynote, and Numbers app will be uploaded and stored in iCloud, which means that all your documents are safe even if you lose your iPhone or iPad.

    iWork应用程序: Pages,Keynote和Numbers应用程序中拥有的所有数据都将上载并存储在iCloud中,这意味着即使丢失iPhone或iPad,所有文档也都是安全的。

  • Photos: If you’ve enabled the iCloud Photos feature from Settings > Photos, all the photos from your Camera Roll will be uploaded and backed up to iCloud (given you have enough storage space). You can download these photos from iCloud.com.

    照片:如果您从“设置”>“照片”启用了“ iCloud照片”功能,则“相机胶卷”中的所有照片都将被上传并备份到iCloud(前提是您有足够的存储空间)。 您可以从iCloud.com下载这些照片

  • Music: If you have enabled Apple Music Library, your local music collection will be synced and uploaded to iCloud servers, and will be available on all devices.

    音乐:如果启用了Apple Music Library,则本地音乐收藏将被同步并上传到iCloud服务器,并将在所有设备上可用。

  • iCloud Drive: All the files and folders that are stored in iCloud Drive are automatically synced to iCloud servers. Even if you lose your iPhone or iPad, these files will be safe (just make sure that the files are not saved in the On My iPhone or On My iPad section in the Files app).

    iCloud Drive:iCloud Drive中存储的所有文件和文件夹都会自动同步到iCloud服务器。 即使您丢失了iPhone或iPad,这些文件也将是安全的(只要确保未将这些文件保存在“文件”应用中的“在我的iPhone上或在我的iPad上”部分中)。

  • App Data: If enabled, Apple will back up app data for the particular app. When you restore your iPhone or iPad from an iCloud backup, the app along with app data will be restored.

    应用程序数据 :如果启用,Apple将备份特定应用程序的应用程序数据。 从iCloud备份还原iPhone或iPad时,该应用程序以及应用程序数据将被还原。

  • Device and Device Settings: If you have iCloud Backup enabled (Settings > Profile > iCloud > iCloud Backup), all the essential data from your device like linked accounts, Home Screen configuration, device settings, iMessage, and more will be uploaded to iCloud. All this data can be downloaded again when you restore your iPhone or iPad using iCloud.

    设备和设备设置:如果启用了iCloud备份 (“设置”>“配置文件”>“ iCloud”>“ iCloud备份”),则来自设备的所有基本数据(如链接帐户,主屏幕配置,设备设置,iMessage等)都将上传到iCloud。 使用iCloud还原iPhone或iPad时,可以再次下载所有这些数据。

  • Purchase History: iCloud also keeps tally of all your purchases from the App Store and iTunes Store so you can go back at any time and redownload an app, book, movie, music, or TV shows.

    购买历史记录: iCloud还会记录从Ap​​p Store和iTunes Store购买的所有商品,因此您可以随时返回并重新下载应用程序,书籍,电影,音乐或电视节目。

  • Apple Watch Backups: If you have iCloud backup enabled for your iPhone, it will automatically back up your Apple Watch as well.

    Apple Watch备份:如果您为iPhone启用了iCloud备份,它也会自动备份Apple Watch。

  • Messages: iCloud backs up the content in the Messages app, including iMessage, SMS, and MMS messages.

    消息: iCloud备份“消息”应用程序中的内容,包括iMessage,SMS和MMS消息。

  • Visual Voicemail Password: iCloud will back up the Visual Voicemail password that you can restore after inserting the same SIM card that was used during the backup process.


  • Voice Memos: All recordings from the Voice Memos app can be backed up to iCloud as well.

    语音 备忘录: 语音备忘录应用程序中的所有录音也可以备份到iCloud。

  • Bookmarks: All bookmarks in Safari are backed up to iCloud and synced between all your devices.

    书签: Safari中的所有书签都备份到iCloud并在所有设备之间同步。

  • Health Data: Apple now also securely backs up all the health data on your iPhone. This means that even if you lose an iPhone, you won’t lose out on years of health tracking data like workouts and body measurements.

    健康数据: Apple现在还安全地备份了iPhone上的所有健康数据。 这意味着,即使您丢失了iPhone,也不会因多年的健康跟踪数据(如锻炼和身体测量)而流失。

This is all that iCloud can back up, but the particular set up of your iCloud account will differ. To see everything that your iCloud account is backing up, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad, select your profile at the top of the list, then go to the “iCloud” section.

这就是iCloud可以备份的全部内容,但是iCloud帐户的特定设置将有所不同。 要查看iCloud帐户正在备份的所有内容,请在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用,在列表顶部选择您的个人资料,然后转到“ iCloud”部分。

icloud 取消桌面备份_什么是Apple的iCloud及其备份?

Here, scroll around to see all of the features that are enabled (like iCloud Photos and iCloud Backup for the devices). You can also enable or disable app data backup for particular apps from here.

在这里,滚动查看所有已启用的功能(例如设备的iCloud照片和iCloud备份)。 您还可以从此处启用或禁用特定应用程序的应用程序数据备份。

icloud 取消桌面备份_什么是Apple的iCloud及其备份?

If you’re running out of iCloud storage space, go to the “Manage Storage” section in iCloud. Here you can upgrade to a monthly plan with more storage. You can buy 50GB for $0.99/month, 200GB for $2.99/month, and 2TB for $9.99/month.

如果iCloud存储空间不足,请转到iCloud中的“管理存储”部分。 在这里,您可以升级到具有更多存储空间的包月套餐。 您可以每月$ 0.99的价格购买50GB,每月$ 2.99的价格购买200GB,每月$ 9.99的价格购买2TB。

Alternatively, you can try these tips to free up iCloud storage space.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669830/what-is-apples-icloud-and-what-does-it-back-up/

icloud 取消桌面备份