1. options file
 option file can be saved from rtknavi.exe 

modify the options file to fit for ubuntu system,remember to change owner and permission of the files:

2.execute rtkrcv in ubuntu
$rtkrcv -o *.conf -s 

3. execute commands


4. command list
/* rtkrcv main -----------------------------------------------------------------
* sysnopsis
*     rtkrcv [-s][-p port][-d dev][-o file][-r level][-t level][-sta sta]
* description
*     A command line version of the real-time positioning AP by rtklib. To start
*     or stop RTK server, to configure options or to print solution/status,
*     login a console and input commands. As default, /dev/tty is used for the
*     console. Use -p option for network login with telnet protocol. To show
*     the available commands, type ? or help on the console. With -p option,
*     multiple telnet console logins are allowed. The initial processing options
*     are loaded from default file rtkrcv.conf. To change the file, use -o
*     option. To configure the processing options, edit the options file or use
*     set, load or save command on the console. To shutdown the program, use
*     shutdown command on the console or send USR2 signal to the process.
* option
*     -s         start RTK server on program startup
*     -p port    port number for telnet console
*     -m port    port number for monitor stream
*     -d dev     terminal device for console
*     -o file    processing options file
*     -w pwd     login password for remote console ("": no password)
*     -r level   output solution status file (0:off,1:states,2:residuals)
*     -t level   debug trace level (0:off,1-5:on)
*     -sta sta   station name for receiver dcb
* command
*     start
*       Start RTK server. No need the command if the program runs with -s
*       option.
*     stop
*       Stop RTK server.
*     restart
*       Restart RTK server. If the processing options are set, execute the
*       command to enable the changes.
*     solution [cycle]
*       Show solutions. Without option, only one solution is shown. With
*       option, the soluiton is displayed at intervals of cycle (s). To stop
*       cyclic display, send break (ctr-C).
*     status [cycle]
*       Show RTK status. Use option cycle for cyclic display.
*     satellite [-n] [cycle]
*       Show satellite status. Use option cycle for cyclic display. Option -n
*       specify number of frequencies.
*     observ [-n] [cycle]
*       Show observation data. Use option cycle for cyclic display. Option -n
*       specify number of frequencies.
*     navidata [cycle]
*       Show navigation data. Use option cycle for cyclic display.
*     stream [cycle]
*       Show stream status. Use option cycle for cyclic display.
*     error
*       Show error/warning messages. To stop messages, send break (ctr-C).
*     option [opt]
*       Show the values of processing options. Without option, all options are
*       displayed. With option, only pattern-matched options are displayed.
*     set opt [val]
*       Set the value of a processing option to val. With out option val,
*       prompt message is shown to input the value. The change of the 
*       processing option is not enabled before RTK server is restarted.
*     load [file]
*       Load processing options from file. Without option, default file
*       rtkrcv.conf is used. To enable the changes, restart RTK server.
*     save [file]
*       Save current processing optons to file. Without option, default file
*       rtkrcv.conf is used.
*     log [file|off]
*       Record console log to file. To stop recording the log, use option off.
*     help|? [path]
*       Show the command list. With option path, the stream path options are
*       shown.
*     exit
*       Exit and logout console. The status of RTK server is not affected by
*       the command.
*     shutdown
*       Shutdown RTK server and exit the program.
*     !command [arg...]
*       Execute command by the operating system shell. Do not use the
*       interactive command.
* notes
*     Short form of a command is allowed. In case of the short form, the
*     command is distinguished according to header characters.