
The close tab buttons on each tab in Firefox 2 are really annoying. When you have a lot of tabs open, it becomes very difficult to click on the tab without accidentally clicking the close button instead.

Firefox 2中每个选项卡上的关闭选项卡按钮确实很烦人。 当您打开许多选项卡时,很难在不意外单击关闭按钮的情况下单击选项卡。

It’s a good thing that Firefox is customizable, because we can easily turn them off, or even revert back to the Firefox 1.5 behavior of having a single close tab button on the right of the tab bar.

Firefox可自定义是一件好事,因为我们可以轻松地关闭它们,甚至可以恢复到Firefox 1.5的行为,即在选项卡栏的右侧只有一个关闭选项卡按钮。

Disabling Close Buttons Without Tab Mix Plus

在没有Tab Mix Plus的情况下禁用关闭按钮

To disable this if you are not running the Tab Mix Plus extension, you can open about:config in the address bar, and then filter by the following:

要在不运行Tab Mix Plus扩展程序的情况下禁用此功能,可以在地址栏中打开about:config,然后按以下内容进行过滤:




The possible values are these:


  1. Default

  2. No close tab buttons anywhere (You’ll have to use middle click or Ctrl+W)

    任何地方都没有关闭标签按钮(您必须使用中键或Ctrl + W)
  3. Move the close tab button to the right of the tab bar


You can see here that I’ve set the value to 3. Notice the single close button on the right.



Disabling Close Buttons With Tab Mix Plus

使用Tab Mix Plus禁用关闭按钮

If you have Tab Mix Plus installed, you can do the exact same thing by opening Tab Mix Plus options on the Tools menu, and choosing Display \ Tab.  Here you’ll make sure you uncheck the “Close tab button” checkbox.

如果安装了Tab Mix Plus,则可以通过在“工具”菜单上打开“ Tab Mix Plus”选项,然后选择“显示\ Tab”来执行完全相同的操作。 在这里,您将确保取消选中“关闭标签按钮”复选框。


If you want to also add the Close tab button to the right of the tab bar, then go to the Tab Bar tab and check the “Close tab button” option, as shown below:



Tab Mix Plus is one of the most powerful extensions for Firefox. It’s really quite incredible.

Tab Mix Plus是Firefox最强大的扩展程序之一。 真的非常不可思议。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/quick-tip-remove-close-button-from-firefox-tabs/