powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

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powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

Have you ever find yourself frantically clicking your mouse to get to the right slide that your audience ask you? If you do, we have some simple tricks that you can use to move between slides easily.

您是否曾经疯狂地单击鼠标来获得观众要求的正确幻灯片? 如果您这样做,我们有一些简单的技巧可用于轻松在幻灯片之间移动。

To accomplish this, we’ll show you how to create a sidebar navigation and slide numbers to get to the right slide.


侧边栏导航 (Sidebar navigation)

A sidebar navigation is our own fancy word for a section on our slide that shows each slide title.


powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

We can use anything to create a side bar. Our personal favorite is the “Shapes” library in Powerpoint. Pick a shape that fits your slides, for us we chose a white rectangle.

我们可以使用任何东西来创建侧边栏。 我们个人最喜欢的是Powerpoint中的“形状”库。 选择适合您幻灯片的形状,对于我们来说,我们选择了一个白色矩形。

powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松
powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

Once we have placed the sidebar container onto our slide, we need to put our slide title onto the sidebar container. There are two options for us to create text: the text tool, or the word art. We recommend that you use the word art, because PowerPoint will create an ugly blue text with underline when you apply a hyperlink to a text in a text tool.

将侧边栏容器放置到幻灯片上后,需要将幻灯片标题放到侧边栏容器上。 我们可以通过两个选项来创建文本:文本工具或艺术字。 我们建议您使用art一词,因为在将超链接应用于文本工具中的文本时,PowerPoint会创建带下划线的丑陋蓝色文本。

Put an appropriate text that best describe the topic of your slide.


powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

Highlight the title, and insert a link to the title, so that we can move between slides by clicking the title.


powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

Powerpoint lets us place a hyperlink to a webpage, or a slide within our powerpoint presentation. Make sure that you choose the correct slide title for your hyperlink.

Powerpoint让我们在Powerpoint演示文稿中放置指向网页或幻灯片的超链接。 确保为超链接选择正确的幻灯片标题。

powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

You do not have to create a sidebar for each of your slide; you can copy the sidebar that you just created, and copy it on every slide in your presentation. You’ll find that the sidebar not only give you a quick way to move between slides, it also become a visual guideline that shows the topic of your slides to your audience.

您不必为每个幻灯片都创建一个侧边栏。 您可以复制刚创建的侧边栏,并将其复制到演示文稿的每张幻灯片中。 您会发现侧边栏不仅为您提供了一种在幻灯片之间移动的快速方法,而且还成为向观众展示幻灯片主题的视觉指南。

powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

Although clicking the sidebar title can be convenient to some of us, wouldn’t be great if we can move between slides using a single keyboard press. To achieve that, we’ll use slide numbers.

尽管单击边栏标题对我们中的某些人来说很方便,但是如果我们可以使用单个键盘按键在幻灯片之间移动,那将不是一件好事。 为此,我们将使用幻灯片编号。

powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

幻灯片编号 (Slide Numbers)

Slide numbers are not only great to show where we are at in our presentation, slide numbers are useful for jumping to slide by pressing the number keys on our keyboard.


powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

Select the slide number checkbox, and click “apply to all”, and your Powerpoint should have a page number on the bottom right corner of the slide.


powerpoint 发布_这些简单的提示使您的PowerPoint幻灯片浏览更加轻松

If you are interested to know what these slides is all about, you can read our article on how to create pixel art avatar in Photoshop or GIMP.


Feel free to share other Powerpoint tips that you know with the other fellow readers in the comments section.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/56503/navigate-your-powerpoint-slides-easier-with-these-simple-tips/

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