Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty

Computer Security

Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
1.A loss of confidentiality is the unauthorized disclosure of information.
2.Confidentiality ensures that only authorized parties can view the information.

A loss of integrity is the unauthorized modification or destruction of information.

1.A loss of availability is the disruption of access to or use of information or aninformation system.
2.Information can not be“locked up” so tight that no one can access it;otherwise,the information would not be useful.

The realtionship of security concept

Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty

Three types of attack

Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty

Security Design Principles

Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty

Attack suface

Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty
Computer security(1): Introduction to computer secuirty