xbox sdk_每日新闻摘要:微软的新Xbox

xbox sdk_每日新闻摘要:微软的新Xbox

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xbox sdk_每日新闻摘要:微软的新Xbox

E3 is underway, and Microsoft held its briefing already. The company announced new games, teased its upcoming game streaming service and gave us more details about the next-generation Xbox. Like the next PlayStation, it should be incredibly powerful.

E3正在进行中,Microsoft已经举行了通报会。 该公司宣布推出新游戏,嘲笑即将推出的游戏流媒体服务,并向我们提供了有关下一代Xbox的更多详细信息。 像下一个PlayStation一样,它应具有强大的功能。

At its E3 event yesterday, Microsoft gave us the most details yet for its upcoming Xbox. What we don’t know yet is a name, pricing, or exact release date. For now, we have to settle for “Holiday 2020.”

在昨天举行的E3活动上,微软为我们即将推出的Xbox提供了最详细的信息。 我们还不知道名称,价格或确切​​发布日期。 目前,我们必须适应“ 2020年假期”。

The next Xbox should be powerful. Microsoft detailed out a system powered by a custom-designed Zen 2 processor from AMD, the company also promised it would use SSDs for storage and virtual ram. Traditional ram will be present too, of course, in the form of GDDR6.

下一个Xbox应该功能强大。 微软详细介绍了一个由AMD定制设计的Zen 2处理器支持的系统,该公司还承诺将使用SSD来存储和虚拟内存。 当然,传统的ram也将以GDDR6的形式出现。

What does all of that mean? Microsoft promises the new Xbox will be capable of 8K resolution, 120fps framerates, and ray tracing. That’s a giant leap over the current Xbox One X but falls in line with the promises Sony made about the next PlayStation hardware. [The Verge]

这一切是什么意思? 微软承诺,新的Xbox将具有8K分辨率,120fps帧速率和射线追踪功能。 与当前的Xbox One X相比,这是一个巨大的飞跃,但与索尼关于下一代PlayStation硬件的承诺相符。 [ 边缘 ]

其他Xbox新闻: (Other Xbox News:)

  • Microsoft’s xCloud comes in multiple flavors: Everyone wants to get into game streaming, and Microsoft is no exception. The company teased a few more details about the service, coming in October. You’ll be able to subscribe and stream from an Azure server or stream from your own Xbox for free. [Engadget]

    微软的xCloud有多种形式:每个人都希望进入游戏流媒体,微软也不例外。 该公司在10月发布了有关该服务的更多详细信息。 您将可以免费从Azure服务器订阅和流式传输,也可以从自己的Xbox中免费流式传输。 [ Engadget ]

  • The new Elite Controller is expensive: The original Xbox Elite controller is aging. It lacks Bluetooth, and requires a cable for PC use, for instance. In addition to an unnecessarily long name, the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 comes with Bluetooth, USB, a rechargeable battery, and adjustable-tension thumbsticks. You’re going to have to really want it, as the price is $180. [Venture Beat]

    新的Elite控制器价格昂贵:原始的Xbox Elite控制器正在老化。 它缺少蓝牙功能,例如需要一条电缆用于PC。 除了一个不必要的长名之外,Xbox Elite无线控制器系列2还带有蓝牙,USB,可充电电池和张力可调的指尖。 您将必须真正想要它,因为价格为180美元。 [ Venture Beat ]

  • Microsoft bought game developer Double-Fine: The Xbox One’s more prominent weakness is the lack of exclusive games. So while announcing a raft of upcoming games including Halo, Gears, and Ori sequels, the company announced it bought Double-Fine, the developers behind the popular Psychonauts game to help shore up its exclusive game library. [TechCrunch]

    微软收购了游戏开发商Double-Fine: Xbox One的最大弱点是缺少独家游戏。 因此,在宣布即将推出的一系列游戏(包括Halo,Gears和Ori续集)的同时,该公司宣布收购Double-Fine,这是受欢迎的Psychonauts游戏背后的开发商,以帮助支撑其独家游戏库。 [ TechCrunch ]

In Other News: 


  • Google Assistant can now control Waze: Google is rolling out an update to Waze that embeds Google Assistant. Drivers can ask for traffic reports, report incidents like potholes, or alter their directions to avoid tolls, highways, and so on. Anything to keep your eyes off the phone and on the road is good. [9to5Google]

    Google助手现在可以控制位智: Google正在对嵌入了Google助手的位智进行更新。 驾驶员可以要求交通报告,报告诸如坑洼之类的事件,或改变方向以避免通行费,高速公路等。 任何让您的视线不在手机旁或在旅途中的事物都很好。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Apple’s Mac Pro is coming in September: The Mac Pro is super powerful and super expensive. But, in an unusual move for Apple, when it revealed all about the new monster desktop, it didn’t give a release date beyond “fall.” We still don’t know exactly when you can mortgage your house to buy the Mac Pro, but Apple at least narrowed it down to September. [MacRumors]

    苹果的Mac Pro将于9月上市: Mac Pro超级强大且价格昂贵。 但是,对于苹果公司而言,一个不寻常的举动是,当它披露了有关新怪物桌面的所有信息时,它没有给出“跌倒”的发布日期。 我们仍然不知道您何时可以抵押房屋购买Mac Pro,但苹果至少将其范围缩小到了9月。 [ MacRumors ]

  • FedEx drops Amazon Contract, and it’s no big deal: FedEx decided not to renew its express delivery contract with Amazon. You’d think that would be detrimental to both companies, but that’s not the case. On FedEx’s end, the Amazon contract represented 1.3% of the company’s annual revenue. And Amazon can still rely on UPS, USPS, and its growing delivery chain to get your package to you on time. [CNET]

    联邦快递放弃了亚马逊合同,这没什么大不了的:联邦快递决定不与亚马逊续签快递合同。 您可能认为这对两家公司都是有害的,但事实并非如此。 在联邦快递(FedEx)的一端,亚马逊的合同占该公司年收入的1.3%。 亚马逊仍然可以依靠UPS,USPS及其不断发展的交付链按时将您的包裹送到您手中。 [ CNET ]

  • DeepFakes get even easier to create: Standford researchers recently demonstrated the ability to make and alter deepfakes by merely editing a script. By changing the words in the text, the spoken words in the video also change to match. It still isn’t easy and requires plenty of footage of the subject speaking many phonetic sounds. But between that and the Mona Lisa fake, it’s a bit disconcerting how far along the tech has come. [The Verge]

    DeepFakes的创建变得更加容易: Standford研究人员最近展示了仅通过编辑脚本即可制作和更改Deepfake的功能。 通过更改文本中的单词,视频中的口语单词也将更改为匹配。 这仍然不是一件容易的事,并且需要有足够多的被摄对象讲很多语音的画面。 但是在那和蒙娜丽莎的假货之间,令人感到不安的是该技术已经走了多远。 [ 边缘 ]

In the future, it may be possible to vacation on the International Space Station. That possibility comes as a surprise as previously NASA stood against any plans to commercialize the space station. But now a change of heart gives a few people hope.

将来有可能在国际空间站度假。 这种可能性令人惊讶,因为以前的NASA反对将空间站商业化的任何计划。 但是现在改变主意给了一些人希望。

“Few people” being the keywords. Each night aboard the ISS is slated to cost $35,000. You can stay up to 30 days for a total of one million dollars. But that total does cover the costs of meals and use of the gym. Speaking of the gym, you’ll also need to be physically fit to take the trip since travel to space is hard on the body of course.

关键词“很少有人”。 ISS上的每晚费用定为35,000美元。 您最多可以停留30天,总共花费一百万美元。 但是,这笔费用确实涵盖了伙食和使用健身房的费用。 说到体育馆,您当然也要身体健康,因为前往太空对身体来说当然很困难。

If you’re thinking a million dollars is a lot of money to ask for a trip to the ISS, you better sit down because that’s still not the entire cost. That chunk of change only covers your actual stay on the space station. You’ll also need to hand over $58 million to get there and back. So that brings the total price of a month-long stay to $59 million. Better start saving your pennies now. [LiveScience]

如果您认为一百万美元对于索取ISS的旅行来说是一笔大数目,那么最好坐下来,因为那仍然不是全部费用。 大部分更改仅涵盖您在空间站的实际停留时间。 您还需要交出5800万美元才能到达那里并返回。 这样一来,一个月的住宿总费用将达到5900万美元。 最好立即开始节省您的便士。 [ LiveScience ]


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