ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

ycbcr 什么颜色模型

ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?
ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

What is a color model? Probably everyone who is engaged in advertising, had to hear such phrases as “light model”, “print file should be in CMYK, and for posting on the site – RGB”. Some may even know about the existence of such color models as GreyScale, LAB, HSB and HLS. But what exactly are these “Color models”? How is CMYK color model different from RGB or LAB? We live in this white light. And this light can be divided into many different hues. As far as we know, the first who came up with this idea was Isaac Newton. He divided the light through the prism to seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. We’ll talk about this phenomenon afterward. But now we divide the light into three basic hue (color), because it is convenient.

什么是颜色模型? 大概每个从事广告的人都必须听到诸如“灯光模型”,“打印文件应使用CMYK并在网站上发布-RGB”之类的短语。 有些人甚至可能知道诸如GreyScale,LAB,HSB和HLS这样的颜色模型的存在。 但是这些“色彩模型”到底是什么? CMYK颜色模型与RGB或LAB有何不同? 我们生活在这种白光之中。 而且这种灯可以分为许多不同的色调。 据我们所知,第一个提出这个想法的人是艾萨克·牛顿。 他将光线通过棱镜分为七种原色:红色,橙色,黄色,绿色,蓝色,靛蓝和紫色。 稍后我们将讨论这种现象。 但是现在,由于方便,我们将光分为三个基本色相(颜色)。

RGB颜色模型 (RGB color model)

Each color TV or monitor of your computer is based on the principle of the division of the light. If say roughly, the monitor on which you now see is a huge number of points (their number determines the horizontal and vertical resolution of the monitor), and each point of light has three “bulbs”: red, green and blue. Each “bulb” can shine with different brightness, and can not shine at all. If only shines blue “bulb” – we see the blue dot. If only the red – we can see the red dot. Similarly, with green. If all the lights are shining with full brightness at one point, then this point turns white, as all gradations of white come together again. If no light shines, the point seems to us black. Since black – the absence of light. Combining the colors of these “bulbs”, glowing with different brightness, we can obtain different colors and hues.

您计算机上的每台彩色电视或显示器都基于分光的原理。 如果粗略地说,您现在看到的监视器有很多点(它们的数目决定了监视器的水平和垂直分辨率),并且每个光点都有三个“灯泡”:红色,绿色和蓝色。 每个“灯泡”可以不同的亮度发光,根本不发光。 如果只发出蓝色的“灯泡”,我们会看到蓝色的圆点。 如果只有红色–我们可以看到红色点。 同样,带有绿色。 如果所有的光在某一点都以全亮度闪烁,则该点变成白色,因为所有白色渐变再次聚在一起。 如果没有光亮,那么对我们来说,这似乎是黑色的。 自黑以来-没有光。 结合这些“灯泡”的颜色,以不同的亮度发光,我们可以获得不同的颜色和色调。

Brightness of each bulb is determined by the intensity (division) from 0 (“bulb”is off) to 255 (“bulb”, that luminous with full power). This division is called – RGB color model, from the first letters of the words “RED”, “GREEN” and “BLUE”.

每个灯泡的亮度取决于强度(分度),范围从0(“灯泡”关闭)到255(“灯泡”,即全功率发光)。 从单词“ RED”,“ GREEN”和“ BLUE”的首字母开始,这种划分称为RGB颜色模型。

Thus white color of our dot in RGB color model can be written as:


R – 255, G – 255, B – 255

R – 255,G – 255,B – 255

“Saturated” red can be written as:


R – 255, G – 0, B – 0

R – 255,G – 0,B – 0



R – 0, G – 0, B – 0

R – 0,G – 0,B – 0

Yellow will be the following:


R – 255, G – 255, B – 0

R – 255,G – 255,B – 0

You also need to know, that in order to record colors in rgb, we usually use the hexadecimal system. Intensity indicators are recorded in order of #RGB:

您还需要知道,为了在rgb中记录颜色,我们通常使用十六进制系统。 强度指示按#RGB的顺序记录:

White – #ffffff, Red – #ff0000, Black – #00000, Yellow – #ffff00

白色– #ffffff,红色–#ff0000,黑色–#00000,黄色–#ffff00

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ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

CMYK颜色模型 (CMYK color model)

So now we know the tricky way our computer sends us the color of a particular point. Let’s now use the acquired knowledge and try to get the white color with paints. Let’s buy three jars of paints: red, blue and green, and mix them. Did it work? I did not get. What is the problem?

因此,现在我们知道了我们的计算机向我们发送特定点颜色的棘手方法。 现在,让我们使用获得的知识,尝试使用油漆获得白色。 让我们购买三罐油漆:红色,蓝色和绿色,然后混合。 奏效了吗? 我没得到。 问题是什么?

The problem is that our monitor emits light, so the color is lit. But the nature of many of the objects do not have this property. They simply reflect the white light that falls on them. And if the subject reflects the entire spectrum of white light, we see it in white, but if some of that light is absorbed by them – we see it is not all white.

问题在于我们的显示器会发光,因此颜色会变亮。 但是许多对象的性质不具有此属性。 它们只是反射落在它们上面的白光。 并且,如果被摄对象反射了整个白光光谱,我们将看到白色光,但是如果其中一些光被白光吸收了–我们看到的并不是全部是白光。

Something like this: we shine on the red thing with white light. White light can be represented as R-255 G-255 B-255. But the thing does not want to reflect all the light that we have sent to it, and it is brazenly stealing from us all hues of green and blue. As a result, it reflects only the R-255 G-0 B-0. That is why it seems to us as red.

像这样:我们用白光照亮红色的东西。 白光可以表示为R-255 G-255 B-255。 但是,这件事并不想反映出我们发送给它的所有光线,它无耻地窃取了我们所有绿色和蓝色的色调。 结果,它仅反映R-255 G-0 B-0。 这就是为什么在我们看来它是红色的。

So, it is very problematic to use the RGB color model for printing on paper. For printing, as a rule, we use another color model – CMY or CMYK. CMY color model is based on the fact that initially we have a white sheet of paper, and it reflects (virtually) the entire spectrum of RGB, and all inks applied to it, act as filters, each of which “steals” own color (red, or green, or blue). Thus, these color inks are determined by subtracting one from the white colors RGB. We get colors: Cyan (light blue), Magenta (or we can say pink) and Yellow.

因此,使用RGB颜色模型在纸上进行打印非常有问题。 对于打印,通常,我们使用另一种颜色模型-CMY或CMYK。 CMY颜色模型基于以下事实:最初我们有一张白纸,它可以(虚拟地)反射RGB的整个光谱,并且应用于它的所有墨水都充当滤镜,每种“偷”都有自己的颜色(红色,绿色或蓝色)。 因此,通过从白色RGB减去1来确定这些彩色墨水。 我们得到颜色:青色(浅蓝色),洋红色(或者可以说粉红色)和黄色。

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ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

As you remember, gradation of each color (in RGB color model) is brightness (from 0 to 255). However, in CMYK color model, the value of each color – is “opacity” (amount of paint) and determines the percentage from 0% to 100%.

您还记得,每种颜色(在RGB颜色模型中)的等级都是亮度(从0到255)。 但是,在CMYK颜色模型中,每种颜色的值都是“不透明度”(油漆量),并确定从0%到100%的百分比。

Thus, white color can be described as follows:


C (cyan) – 0%; M (magenta) – 0%; Y (yellow) – 0%.

C(青色)– 0%; M(品红色)– 0%; Y(黄色)– 0%。

Red: C – 0%; M – 100%; Y – 100%.

红色:C – 0%; M – 100%; Y – 100%。

Green: C – 100%; M – 0%; Y – 100%.

绿色:C – 100%; M – 0%; Y – 100%。

Blue: C – 100%; M – 100%; Y – 0%.

蓝色:C – 100%; M – 100%; Y – 0%。

Black: C – 100%; M – 100%; Y – 100%.

黑色:C – 100%; M – 100%; Y – 100%。

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ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

However, this is possible only in theory. But in practice, we can not use CMY colors. Black color turns muddy brown (printing), gray is not similar to the gray, it is problematic to create dark hues. For the settlement of the final color, another color is used (see the last letter in the name CMYK). Transcription of this letter may be different:

但是,这仅在理论上是可能的。 但是实际上,我们不能使用CMY颜色。 黑色变成浑浊的棕色(印刷),灰色与灰色不相似,因此产生深色是有问题的。 为了使最终颜色沉淀,使用了另一种颜色(请参阅名称CMYK中的最后一个字母)。 这封信的转录内容可能有所不同:

* This may be an abbreviation of blacK. And it used the last letter, so as not to confuse it with the color Blue in RGB color model

*这可能是blacK的缩写。 并且使用了最后一个字母,以免将其与RGB颜色模型中的蓝色混淆

* Printers often use the word “Contour” on this color. So it is possible that the letter K in abbreviation CMYK – an abbreviation of the German word “Kontur”

*打印机经常在此颜色上使用“轮廓”一词。 因此,字母K的缩写CMYK可能是德语单词“ Kontur”的缩写

* It could be a short for Key-color.


* However, it is difficult to name it as ‘the key’, as it is rather complementary. And this black color is not really black. If only print this paint, it is rather gray than black. Therefore, some people think that the letter K in CMYK stands obreviature “Kobalt” (German).

*但是,很难将其命名为“关键”,因为它是互补的。 而且这种黑色不是真正的黑色。 如果仅打印此涂料,则它是灰色而不是黑色。 因此,有些人认为CMYK中的字母K代表过时的“ Kobalt”(德语)。

As a rule, the “black” term is used to define this color


Print using CMYK colors is called “full-color” or “triad.”


We need to note, that during printing, CMYK inks do not mix. They lay down on paper as “spots” (raster) next to each other and mixed already in our’s mind, because these “spots” are very small. That is, the image is rasterized, as otherwise the paint, getting on one another, and spreads produced moire or dirt. There are several different ways of rasterization.

我们需要注意的是,在打印过程中,CMYK墨水不会混合。 它们像“斑点”(光栅)并排放置在纸上,并且在我们的脑海中已经混在一起,因为这些“斑点”很小。 就是说,图像被光栅化了,否则涂料彼此粘在一起,并散布了产生的波纹或污垢。 有几种不同的栅格化方法。

灰度颜色模型 (Grayscale color model)

Image in grayscale color model many people mistakenly called ‘black and white’. But it is not. Black-and-white image consists only of black and white tones. While both grayscale has 101 hue. This is gradation of Kobalt color from 0% to 100%.

灰度彩色模型中的图像被许多人错误地称为“黑白”。 但事实并非如此。 黑白图像仅包含黑白色调。 虽然两者的灰度都具有101色相。 这是Kobalt颜色从0%到100%的渐变。

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ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

设备相关和设备独立的颜色模型 (Device-dependent and device-independent color model)

Color model CMYK and RGB are device-dependent, ie they depend on the way they transfer a color. They point to a specific device, how to use the corresponding colors, but do not have information about the perception of color of the final person. Depending on the settings for brightness, contrast and sharpness of your computer monitor, ambient light and the angle at which we look at the monitor, the color with the same parameters RGB is perceived by us in different ways. A person’s perception of color in the color model “CMYK” depends on an even greater number of conditions, such as the properties of the printed material (for example, glossy paper absorbs less ink than the matte color on it accordingly are more vivid and rich), especially paint, humidity in which the paper is dried up, the characteristics of the printing press and so on

颜色模型CMYK和RGB取决于设备,即它们取决于颜色的传输方式。 他们指向一个特定的设备,如何使用相应的颜色,但没有关于最终人的颜色感知的信息。 根据计算机显示器的亮度,对比度和清晰度,环境光以及观察显示器的角度,我们用不同的方式来感知具有相同参数RGB的颜色。 人们在颜色模型“ CMYK”中对颜色的感知取决于甚至更多的条件,例如印刷材料的特性(例如,光面纸吸收的墨水少于其上的无光泽颜色,因此墨水更加鲜艳丰富。 ),尤其是油漆,纸张干燥的湿度,印刷机的特性等

To transfer more reliable information about the color to a person, we attach (so-called) color profiles to the hardware-dependent color models. Each of such profile contains information about a particular way of human transmission of color and adjusts the final color by the addition or removal of any constituent of the original color settings. For example, to print on glossy film uses a color profile, cleaning 10% Cyan and adding 5% Yellow to the original color, because of the specific features of the printing press, the film itself and other conditions. However, even attached profiles do not solve all the problems of transfer color.

为了将有关颜色的更可靠信息传输给一个人,我们将(所谓的)颜色配置文件附加到依赖于硬件的颜色模型上。 每个此类配置文件都包含有关人类色彩传输的特定方式的信息,并通过添加或删除原始色彩设置的任何成分来调整最终色彩。 例如,由于印刷机,胶片本身和其他条件的特殊特性,要在有光泽的胶片上进行打印时,要使用颜色配置文件,将10%的青色清洗并在原始颜色中添加5%的黄色。 但是,即使附加的配置文件也不能解决所有转移色的问题。

Device-independent color models do not contain any information to transfer a color to a person. They mathematically describe color perceived by man with normal color vision.

与设备无关的颜色模型不包含任何将颜色转移给人的信息。 他们用数学方法描述了具有正常色觉的人所感知的颜色。

HSB和HLS颜色模型 (HSB and HLS color models)

The basis of this color space is already familiar rainbow wheel of RGB colorspace. Color is controlled by changing parameters such as Hue, Saturation and Brightness

该色彩空间的基础是已经熟悉的RGB色彩空间的彩虹轮。 通过更改诸如色相,饱和度和亮度等参数来控制颜色

Parameter hue – the color. Defined by degrees from 0 to 360 based on the colors of the rainbow wheel.

参数色相–颜色。 根据彩虹轮的颜色从0到360度定义。

Parameter saturation – percentage of adding to this color of the white paint (has a value from 0% to 100%).


Parameter brightness – the percentage of adding black ink also varies from 0% to 100%.


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ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

The principle is similar to one of the representations of the world in terms of art. When we add white or black paint into an existing color.

从艺术的角度讲,该原理类似于世界的一种表现形式。 当我们将白色或黑色涂料添加到现有颜色中时。

This is the easiest-to-understand color model, this is thy many web-designers like it very much. However, it has several drawbacks:

这是最容易理解的颜色模型,这是您许多Web设计人员非常喜欢的颜色模型。 但是,它有几个缺点:

The human eye perceives colors ofthe rainbow wheel, as colors with different brightness. For example, spectral green has the greater brightness than the spectral blue. In the HSB color model all the colors of the circle are considered to have a brightness of 100%, which, unfortunately, is not true.

人眼将彩虹轮的颜色视为具有不同亮度的颜色。 例如,光谱绿色具有比光谱蓝色更大的亮度。 在HSB颜色模型中,圆的所有颜色都被认为具有100%的亮度,但不幸的是,这是不正确的。

Since it is based on the color model RGB, it is still a hardware-dependent.


This color model is converted to CMYK for printing and converted to RGB for display on the monitor. So, it is very problematic to guess what color you get in the long run.

此颜色模型将转换为CMYK以进行打印,并转换为RGB以在监视器上显示。 因此,猜测从长远来看会得到什么颜色是非常有问题的。

HLS color model is very similar, it has the following meaning: Hue, Lightness and Saturation


This color model is sometimes used for light and color correction in an image


LAB颜色模型 (LAB color models)

In this color model the color consists of:


Luminance – this is set of notions lightness and chroma

亮度 –这是一组概念,亮度和色度

A – this is color range from green to purple

A –这是从绿色到紫色的颜色范围

B – this is color range from blue to yellow

B –这是从蓝色到黄色的颜色范围

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ycbcr 什么颜色模型_什么是颜色模型?

That is, the two indicators determine the color (in the aggregate) and one indicator measures the light.


LAB is a device-independent color model, ie it does not depend on how we transfer color. It contains color as RGB and CMYK, and grayscale, which allows it to convert with minimal loss of image quality from one color model to another.

LAB是与设备无关的颜色模型,即它不取决于我们如何传输颜色。 它包含RGB和CMYK等颜色以及灰度,从而可以以最小的图像质量损失从一种颜色模型转换为另一种颜色模型。

Another advantage is that it, unlike the color model HSB, corresponding to features of perception of color by the human eye.


This model is often used to improve image quality, and converting images from one color space to another.


翻译自: https://www.script-tutorials.com/what-is-a-color-model/

ycbcr 什么颜色模型