Excel 2010 vs Excel 2013 VBA存储过程

Excel 2010 vs Excel 2013 VBA存储过程


我有一个电子表格来调用SQL Server存储过程并返回数据。在Excel 2010中工作100%,并且已经完成数月。但是,对于Excel 2013中的某些用户,它不会返回所有数据 - 它只会通过0来返回。这里是我的代码:Excel 2010 vs Excel 2013 VBA存储过程

Sub Button10_Click() 
    Set con = New ADODB.Connection 
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command 
    Set rs = New ADODB.RecordSet 

    Sheets("Customer").Visible = True 

    'Unprotect worksheet 
    Worksheets("Customer").Unprotect Password:="*******" 

    ' remove and re-add auto filter 
    Sheets("Customer").AutoFilterMode = False 

    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True 
    Application.StatusBar = "Contacting SQL Server..." 

    ' Remove any values in the cells where we want to put our Stored Procedure's results. 
    With Sheets("Customer") 
     .Rows(5 & ":" & .Rows.Count).Delete 
    End With 

    ' Log into our SQL Server, and run the Stored Procedure 
    con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=*********;Initial Catalog=**********;Integrated Security=SSPI;Trusted_Connection=Yes;" 
    cmd.ActiveConnection = con 

    Application.StatusBar = "Running stored procedure..." 

    '===== Check if the user has ticked the 'Include Current Month Totals checkbox ==== 
    If Range("$M$1") = True Then 
     'include current month in totals 
     cmd.CommandText = "usp_Customer_Lvl1_Current_Month_INC"  
     'do not include current month in totals 
     cmd.CommandText = "usp_Customer_Lvl1_Previous_Month_INC" 
    End If 

    Set rs = cmd.Execute(, , adCmdStoredProc) 

    Sheets("Customer").Range("A5").CopyFromRecordset rs 
    Application.Goto Reference:=Worksheets("Customer").Range("A5") 

    'protect worksheet 
    Worksheets("Customer").Protect Password:="***********", AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFiltering:=True 


    Set rs = Nothing 
    Set cmd = Nothing 

    Set con = Nothing 

    Application.StatusBar = "Data successfully updated." 
End Sub 

它必须是在VBA中的东西。数据存在于SQL和Excel 2010中 - 任何想法?


是否有任何错误信息? –


不 - 无 - 它只是不返回所有的数据 - 非常奇怪 – Michael


检查我[过去的回答](https://*.com/questions/28677262/recordset-closed-after-stored-procedure-execution)。您可能会发现有关SP的非常有用的信息。 –

我解决了它。我从文本框中获取一个值。在Excel 2010中我只是用下面的:

如果范围( “$ M $ 1”)= TRUE然后

然而,在Excel 2013会出现它,你还需要引用工作表,以及:

如果表格(“Home”)。Range(“$ M $ 1”)= True然后
