5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

regression and classification

x \ y continuous discrete
continuous regression classification
discrete regression ????

Simple linear regression

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

Least-squared fitting

Minimize the least square error
5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记
这里的 residual,就是对于单个点和计算得到的线性回归函数的误差,也就是相同x值下的两个y的差值。

Point estimation of β0 and β1

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

Multiple linear regression

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

Least-squared fitting

some other calculation and parameters are in the ppt 4&5 p14

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

R2 for regression

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

Test for linear model

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记

Test for coefficients

5001: Statistical Machine Learning I 4th class(20-9-22) 笔记