
本文为马来西亚翁恩大学(作者:MUHD HALALLUDDIN BIN ABDUL RAHIM)的硕士论文,共40页。



The Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) are amulti-million dollar industry and continuously growing industry within thefield of power electronics. SMPS is widely been used in communication,computers and industrial. The Unity Power Factor (UPF) rectifier has become animportant design issue as a consequence of recent legislation. Europeanlegislation restricts the harmonic content of power supplies. The advantages ofUPF are more than legislative compliance. The advantages include greaterefficiency, larger power density and improved power quality result in economicbenefits to the electricity service provider. The goal of this thesis is todevelop a unity power factor rectifier. The motivation in developing thisproduct was to develop a regulated power supply capable of producing power withlow level of harmonic current distortion. This project observes the current, voltagewaveform and also the harmonics component before and after the compensation tothe nonlinear load. In this work MATLAB/SIMULINK power system toolbox is usedto simulate the proposed system. Simulation results are presented and theimprovement in the supply current will show in this work.

1 引言
2 文献回顾
3 研究方法
4 仿真结果与分析
5 结论与未来工作建议
