mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

mac lumen

mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

If you do a lot of work in the Terminal, or any dark program, you might crank up the brightness to see things more clearly. The problem: when you switch to a mostly-white window, your screen is blindingly bright.

如果您在终端机或任何深色程序中进行了大量工作,则可以提高亮度以更清楚地看到事物。 问题是:当您切换到大部分为白色的窗口时,屏幕会令人眼花bright乱。

Lumen is a free Mac application that solves this problem. It learns your preferred brightness levels for dark and light windows, then automatically adjusts the brightness level when you switch between them. It’s like an equalizer for your display.

Lumen是一个免费的Mac应用程序,可以解决此问题。 它会了解您在暗窗口和亮窗口中的首选亮度级别,然后在它们之间切换时自动调整亮度级别。 就像显示器的均衡器一样。

Lumen is relatively new, so it’s a little tricky to set up, so here’s a quick tutorial.


第一步:在Mac上安装Lumen (Step One: Install Lumen On Your Mac)

The easiest way to install Lumen is using Homebrew, so go ahead and check out our guide to installing Homebrew and Homebrew Cask, if you haven’t already. Once you’ve done that, open a Terminal window (Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and run the following command to install Lumen:

安装Lumen的最简单方法是使用Homebrew,如果尚未安装 ,请继续阅读我们的Homebrew和Homebrew Cask安装指南 。 完成此操作后,打开“终​​端”窗口(“应用程序”>“实用程序”>“终端”),然后运行以下命令来安装Lumen:

brew cask install lumen

brew cask install lumen

This is the recommended installation method, but if you’d rather not mess around with Homebrew there’s a binary download you can use instead.


mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

Just download the ZIP file, then drag the app to Applications. You know: the normal Mac installation dance.

只需下载ZIP文件,然后将应用拖到“应用程序”即可。 您知道:正常的Mac安装过程。

第二步:完成一些设置 (Step Two: Go Through a Little Setup)

However you install Lumen, double-clicking isn’t enough to actually run the program. This is because, as of this writing, Lumen it is not compiled with a developer key. Your Mac only allows approved software by default, so you’ll need to use a workaround to run Lumen.

无论您安装Lumen,双击都不足以实际运行该程序。 这是因为在撰写本文时,Lumen尚未使用开发人员**进行编译。 您的Mac默认情况下仅允许批准的软件 ,因此您需要使用变通办法来运行Lumen。

Right-click Lumen, then click “Open”.


mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

A resulting window will pop up asking if you’d like to run the program.


mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

Click “Open” and you should be good to go: you won’t be asked about opening Lumen again.


One more thing, before we start: you need to disable the “Automatically adjust brightness” setting on your Mac. Head to your system settings, then “Display”.

在开始之前,还有一件事:您需要在Mac上禁用“自动调整亮度”设置。 转到系统设置,然后单击“显示”。

mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

Make sure that “Automatically adjust brightness” is disabled.


mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

If you leave this option checked, Lumen won’t work, so make sure you do this.


第三步:训练流明以了解理想的亮度水平 (Step Three: Train Lumen to Learn Your Ideal Brightness Levels)

Installing was a bit of a pain, wasn’t it? Sorry about that. Here’s the good news: actually using Lumen couldn’t be easier.

安装有点麻烦,不是吗? 对于那个很抱歉。 这是个好消息:实际上使用Lumen并非易事。

There’s not much of a GUI to speak of, really, other than a menu bar icon that lets you toggle the program.


mac lumen_使用深色Windows时,Lumen自动提高Mac的亮度,反之亦然

With so few options, how do you use this thing? Basically, do what you already do: turn up the brightness when you’re using a dark window that’s hard to see, and turn down the brightness when your eyes are blinded by a light window. Lumen will watch you, learn what you prefer, then do it automatically.

这么少的选择,您怎么使用这个东西? 基本上,做您已经做过的事情:在使用难以看见的黑暗窗户时调高亮度,而在您的眼睛被光窗遮住时调低亮度。 流明将监视您,了解您的喜好,然后自动执行。

Sometimes it will seem like this isn’t working, but eventually Lumen will figure out what you’re doing and adjust accordingly. Just don’t be afraid to adjust your brightness to your liking as you switch from dark to light windows.

有时,这似乎不起作用,但最终Lumen会弄清楚您在做什么,并进行相应的调整。 当您从黑暗的窗户切换到明亮的窗户时,不要害怕根据自己的喜好调整亮度。

Also, don’t be afraid to disable this program as necessary. It’s great for working, but is pretty terrible for, say, watching movies. Use the menu bar icon to “Stop” Lumen when you don’t want it.

另外,不要害怕在必要时禁用此程序。 这对工作很重要,但是对于看电影来说却非常糟糕。 不需要时,使用菜单栏图标“停止”流明。


mac lumen