Attention in CV

1.      Attention in CV

1.1.      CHAM:actionrecognition using convolutional hierarchical attention model.5

Cnn+多层LSTM,soft attention(指可导,hard attention使用强化学习,但是强化学习方差较大)

Attention in CVAttention in CV

1.2.      Recursiverecurrent nets with attention modeling for OCR in the wild.6


Attention in CV

Attention in CV

1.3.      Show,attend and tell: neural image caption generation with visual attention.7

  Image caption任务。

Attention in CVAttention in CV

1.4.      Recurrentmodels of visual attention.8


Attention in CV

Attention in CV

5.     Yan,S., Smith, J. S., Lu, W. & Zhang, B. CHAM: action recognition usingconvolutional hierarchical attention model.ArXiv Prepr. ArXiv170503146(2017).

6.     Lee,C.-Y. & Osindero, S. Recursive recurrent nets with attention modeling forOCR in the wild. inProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Visionand Pattern Recognition 2231–2239 (2016).

7.     Xu,K. et al. Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation withVisual Attention. in14, 77–81 (2015).

8.     Mnih,V., Heess, N., Graves, A. & others. Recurrent models of visual attention.inAdvances in neural information processing systems 2204–2212 (2014).