机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

机器学习基石下 (Machine Learning Foundations)—Mathematical Foundations
Hsuan-Tien Lin, 林轩田,副教授 (Associate Professor),资讯工程学系 (Computer Science and Information Engineering)

What is Overfitting?

  • bad generalization: low Ein, high Eout

  • example

    机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

  • Cause of Overfitting

    • excessive dVC
    • noise
    • limited data size

The Role of Noise and Data Size

  • concession for advantage

  • Learning Curves Revisited

    机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

  • ‘target complexity’ acts like noise

Deterministic Noise

  • A Detailed Experiment

    机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

  • The Results

    机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

    • impact of σ2 versus N: stochastic noise
    • impact of Qf versus N: deterministic noise
  • four reasons of serious overfitting

    机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

    overfitting ‘easily’ happens

  • Deterministic Noise

    机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

    pseudo-random generator 伪随机数发生器

Dealing with Overfitting

Driving Analogy Revisited

机器学习基石 - Hazard of Overfitting

  • correct the label (data cleaning)
  • remove the example (data pruning)
  • add virtual examples by shifting/rotating the given digits (data hinting)

possibly helps, but effect varies (改变数据的分布)