Bitmex, BTC market, monopolistic blockchain ecology

Bitmex, one of the largest global cryptocurrency futures trading platforms, which is different from Binance and the other ordinary exchanges. The maximum leverage of Bitmex can reach 100 times. What does this mean? In the event of a bankruptcy, investors will lose all their principal and usury. But the desire is always a difficulty that human beings can never overcome, countless people still fight to die on that gamble.

A day ago, Bitmex maintained its server. The whole process took 30 minutes. During this period, BTC price rose from $6450 to $6889 rapidly. The major media are scrambling to report this incident.

Bitmex, BTC market, monopolistic blockchain ecology

Forbes analyst JOSEPH YOUNG also said: "One exchange can't have majority of market share of any trading pair because it leads to instability/manipulation." Just a regular maintenance that leads to the price of Bitcoin 4% increase overnight, it is indicating that the digital currency market really needs to build a more stable environment.

Bitmex, BTC market, monopolistic blockchain ecology

What does this show? This is a market monopolized by various exchanges. If the market is not allowed to compete freely, then its existence is only fraud and bubbles. Just like the ICO boom which is in a year ago, the exchange boom began at the beginning of 2018, and many project parties have blended in. Some of them were the makers of the ICO boom in 2017. Like Bitmex, people who manipulated the whole situation; others learned that the cryptocurrency was relatively late, and they made many exchanges in the beginning.

I believe that you guys all know Binance exchange, and they both starting with the letter B, Bitmex is pushing down the price of Bitcoin, and Binance is pulling up the price of Bitcoin.the day before yesterday, they started the price game, Bitmex's BTC transaction price was low to $5900, and Binance's BTC transaction price soared to $7000.

Bitmex, BTC market, monopolistic blockchain ecology

Therefore, the market melee is inevitable. But should it be centralized, similar to the national securities firm? or decentralized, each exchange has a certain share, will not cause monopoly? This depends on people's choice. Whether it is a bubble or a real existence, virtual currency has at least created the first trend and dared to confront the times.