



Apple’s Launchpad is a handy way to quickly launch apps on your Mac. By default, it usually sits in your Dock, but it can be removed. If you need Launchpad and can’t find it, it’s easy to add it to the Dock again. Here’s how.

Apple的Launchpad是在Mac上快速启动应用程序的便捷方法。 默认情况下,它通常位于您的Dock中,但是可以将其删除。 如果您需要启动板而找不到,可以很容易地将其再次添加到Dock中。 这是如何做。

Launchpad was first introduced in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion back in 2010. If you have an older Mac that you’ve upgraded—or if you’ve removed Launchpad by dragging off the Dock—you might not see Launchpad where you expect it.

Launchpad最早是在2010年于Mac OS X 10.7 Lion中引入的。如果您已经升级了较旧的Mac,或者如果您通过拖动Dock删除了Launchpad,则可能无法在期望的位置看到Launchpad。


Even though it feels like a special part of macOS, Launchpad is just a regular app. To get it back, we first need to open the Applications folder.

即使感觉像是macOS的特殊部分,启动板也只是常规应用程序。 为了找回它,我们首先需要打开Applications文件夹。

Switch to Finder, then select Go > Applications from the menu bar at the top of the screen. You can also press Shift+Command+A to open the Applications folder quickly.

切换到Finder,然后从屏幕顶部的菜单栏中选择“转到”>“应用程序”。 您也可以按Shift + Command + A来快速打开“应用程序”文件夹。


With the “Applications” folder open, locate the “Launchpad” icon. Click and drag it toward the Dock.

在“应用程序”文件夹打开的情况下,找到“启动板”图标。 单击并将其拖向Dock。


As you approach the Dock, other applications will slide to the side, and when the Launchpad icon is where you’d like it, release the mouse or trackpad button. Launchpad will stay in that spot.

当您接近Dock时,其他应用程序将滑到侧面,然后在启动板图标位于您想要的位置时,释放鼠标或触控板按钮。 启动板将留在该位置。


The next time you need to use Launchpad, click its icon on the dock, and it will pop up. And if you ever lose it again, you now know the way to get it back. Happy launching!

下次您需要使用启动板时,在扩展坞上单击其图标,它将弹出。 而且,如果您再次失去它,那么您现在知道恢复它的方法。 发射愉快!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678014/how-to-add-launchpad-to-the-dock-on-a-mac/
