gif.js 生成gif_什么是GIF,以及如何创建和使用GIF?

gif.js 生成gif_什么是GIF,以及如何创建和使用GIF?

gif.js 生成gif

GIF or Graphics Interchange Format is a popular image format that is used to store graphics and images in a file. Recently GIF became very popular on social media because of its ability to play some video in an easy way. GIF images are recently used to convert different video formats like mp3, Mkv, Avi into GIF format with less size without losing the video sense.

GIF或图形交换格式是一种流行的图像格式,用于将图形和图像存储在文件中。 最近,由于GIF能够轻松播放某些视频,因此它在社交媒体上变得非常流行。 GIF图像最近用于将不同的视频格式(如mp3,Mkv,Avi)转换为较小的GIF格式,而不会失去视频的感觉。

GIF历史 (GIF History)

GIF is first created by an American Computer Scientist named Steve Wilhite in 1987. Later then GIF format gained popularity with the help of internet or WWW.

GIF最初由一位名叫Steve Wilhite的美国计算机科学家于1987年创建。后来,GIF格式在Internet或WWW的帮助下得到普及。

GIF标准 (GIF Standard)

The firm named CompuServe introduced the GIF in June 1987 with the help of the LZW data compression standard. The original GIF standard is called 87a and an enhanced version 89a is released in 1989. GIF was one of two popular and commonly used image formats on the web. In 1995 with the Netscape Navigator 2.0 GIF images gained the ability for animated loop which is popularly used today web.

1987年6月,名为CompuServe的公司在LZW数据压缩标准的帮助下推出了GIF。 最初的GIF标准称为87a,1989年发布了增强版本89a。GIF是网络上两种流行且常用的图像格式之一。 1995年,随着Netscape Navigator 2.0的出现,GIF图像获得了动画循环的功能,该功能如今已广泛用于Web。

GIF can store only 256 colors which is very old and limited features in order to store digital photos, images etc. So GIF main purpose is storing image or short video in a low quality but less size image format.


GIF工具 (GIF Tools)

Creating a GIF is very easily with a lot of different tools which are designed to be used on web, Windows desktop, Linux desktop, MacOS X, Android, IOS etc. Below we will provide and explain some of popular GIF tools.

使用许多旨在在Web,Windows桌面,Linux桌面,MacOS X,Android,IOS等上使用的工具,可以轻松地创建GIF。下面我们将提供并解释一些流行的GIF工具。 ( is a web-based tool to create GIFs in an easy way. It can directly accept YouTube, Vine, Instagram videos to create GIF or alternatively a local video file or image can be uploaded easily with drag and drop.

www.gifs.com是一个基于Web的工具,可轻松创建GIF。 它可以直接接受YouTube,Vine,Instagram视频以创建GIF,也可以通过拖放轻松地上传本地视频文件或图像。

gif.js 生成gif_什么是GIF,以及如何创建和使用GIF? ( ) is another GIF maker from the given YouTube, Vimeo, or local photo or video. We can specify the start time with the duration of the video we want to cut. Gif Maker requires login in order to use these features.

www.giphy.com是来自给定YouTube,Vimeo或本地照片或视频的另一GIF制造商。 我们可以指定要播放的视频的持续时间作为开始时间。 Gif Maker需要登录才能使用这些功能。

gif.js 生成gif_什么是GIF,以及如何创建和使用GIF?


gif.js 生成gif