hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

In the Philips Hue app, if you tap on a room, you can control each individual bulb separately. But if you want to change the color of an entire room of lights all at once, there’s a quick shortcut that makes this easy to do.

在Philips Hue应用程序中,如果您点击一个房间,则可以分别控制每个灯泡。 但是,如果您想一次更改整个房间的颜色,则有一个快速捷径可以轻松实现。

Until fairly recently, if you wanted to change the color of all of the lights in a room, you had to change the color of each bulb separately. It was not only inconvenient, but the colors more than likely wouldn’t match exactly.

直到最近,如果您想更改房间中所有灯的颜色,则必须分别更改每个灯泡的颜色。 这不仅不方便,而且颜色可能不完全匹配。

To change the color of all the bulbs at once, start by opening up the Philips Hue app on your phone.

要立即更改所有灯泡的颜色,请先打开手机上的Philips Hue应用程序。

hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

Make sure the “Home” tab is selected at the bottom.


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

A list of your rooms will appear on the screen, as well as the status of the on/off state of the lights in those rooms.


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

Next, choose a room you want to control and tap on the round icon to the left of the room name.


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

The color selector will appear where you can tap and drag on the round selector to change the color.


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

You can also tap on “Whites”  at the top to select a specific white color temperature.


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

There’s also a “Recipes” section that can change the color temperature based on different moods and scenarios.


hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

When you drag the color selector and pick a new color, all of your Hue bulbs in that room will change at the same time. Once you’ve selected the color that you want, tap “Done” in the top-right corner.

拖动颜色选择器并选择新的颜色时,该房间中的所有Hue灯泡都会同时更改。 选择所需的颜色后,请点击右上角的“完成”。

hue改变背景颜色_如何使用Philips Hue改变整个房间的颜色

That’s all there is to it! If you end up always using the same color combinations for different scenarios, you might be better off creating “scenes”, which are presets that let you change the color and state of multiple bulbs with one tap. However, if you’re ever feeling spontaneous, the above trick will let you pick a color for the entire room within seconds.

这里的所有都是它的! 如果最终在不同情况下始终使用相同的颜色组合,则最好创建“场景”,这些“场景”是可让您一键更改多个灯泡的颜色和状态的预设。 但是,如果您感到自发,上面的技巧将使您在几秒钟内为整个房间选择颜色。

