亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

If your Amazon Echo can’t hear you from the other room, or if you just want to control it when you’re away from home altogether, you can do so with the Amazon app (on iOS) or the Alexa app (on Android).

如果您的Amazon Echo在另一个房间听不到您的声音,或者您只想在出门时完全控制它,则可以使用Amazon应用程序 (在iOS上)或Alexa应用程序 (在Android上)进行操作)。

The Echo’s far-field voice recognition technology is one of the device’s most touted features. It lets the Echo hear your voice from well across the room, even when there’s music playing. However, the biggest hindrance is walls, and if you want to control the Echo from the next room over, it may not hear you. Furthermore, if you’re away from home and you want to give a voice command to Alexa, you obviously can’t.

Echo的远场语音识别技术是该设备最受吹捧的功能之一。 即使在播放音乐时,它也可以使Echo在整个房间听到声音。 但是,最大的障碍是墙壁,如果您想从隔壁房间控制回声,则可能听不到您的声音。 此外,如果您出门在外并想向Alexa发出语音命令,显然您不会。

However, Amazon’s own shopping app on iOS and the Alexa app on Android both let you give Echo voice commands through your phone, effectively getting rid of the need for the $30 Voice Remote. The phone apps don’t directly control your physical Amazon Echo unit, but they do act as a virtual Echo device, communicating with your Alexa account and letting you control your smarthome devices by voice using Alexa on your phone.

但是, Amazon自己的 iOS 购物应用程序和Android的Alexa应用程序都可以让您通过手机发出Echo语音命令,从而有效地摆脱了对售价30美元的Voice Remote的需求 。 电话应用程序不直接控制您的物理Amazon Echo单元,但它们确实充当虚拟Echo设备,与您的Alexa帐户进行通信,并允许您使用电话上的Alexa通过语音控制智能家居设备

Note: Amazon has announced that in the near future, the Alexa app on iOS will also offer this feature.


如何通过iPhone控制Alexa (How to Control Alexa From Your iPhone)

Alexa in the Amazon shopping app on the iPhone uses the existing microphone button in the app that’s used for voice search. You can still use it for that, of course, but now Alexa is completely built in. Here’s how to quickly set it up and get going.

iPhone上的亚马逊购物应用程序中的Alexa使用该应用程序中用于语音搜索的现有麦克风按钮。 当然,您仍然可以使用它,但是现在Alexa已完全内置。这是快速设置并开始使用的方法。

Install the Amazon app for iOS, if you haven’t already. Open it up, and then tap the microphone button toward the top-right corner of the screen.

如果尚未安装适用于iOS的Amazon应用程序 。 将其打开,然后向屏幕右上角点击麦克风按钮。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

Tap the “Allow Microphone Access” button at the bottom.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

Hit “OK” to give the app permission to use your iPhone’s microphone.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

After that, you can give Alexa commands by tapping the microphone button first, and then saying your command—no need to start with “Alexa,” either. She is listening whenever the blue bar at the bottom lights up.

之后,您可以通过先点击麦克风按钮,然后说出您的命令来发出Alexa命令-无需以“ Alexa”开头。 底部的蓝色条亮起时,她正在听。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

如何从Android手机控制Alexa (How to Control Alexa From an Android Phone)

Luckily, Alexa on Android makes a bit more sense, as Amazon has integrated it into the Alexa app itself.


To get started using Alexa on your Android phone, make sure to first update the app so that you’re using the latest version. Open the app, and then tap the “Alexa” button at the bottom.

要开始在Android手机上使用Alexa,请确保先更新该应用程序,以便您使用最新版本。 打开应用程序,然后点击底部的“ Alexa”按钮。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

On the next screen, tap the “Allow” button to give Alexa permission to use your phone’s microphone and location so that it can hear your voice commands and help with location-based requests.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

Hit “Done” at the bottom.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

After that, you can immediately begin giving Alexa commands. Just tap the “Alexa” button and start talking.

之后,您可以立即开始提供Alexa命令。 只需点击“ Alexa”按钮即可开始通话。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

The great thing about using Alexa on your Android device (as opposed to the Amazon app on iPhone) is that Alexa uses the screen to show you more information about your request. So, for example, if you asked about the weather, you’d automatically see the forecast pop up on the screen.

在Android设备(与iPhone上的Amazon应用程序相对)上使用Alexa的妙处在于,Alexa使用屏幕向您显示有关请求的更多信息。 因此,例如,如果您询问天气情况,则会在屏幕上自动弹出预报。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

The same thing goes for other things, like asking Alexa about coffee shops nearby—it’s like an Echo Show or Echo Spot right in the palm of your hand.

其他事情也是如此,例如向Alexa询问附近的咖啡店-就像在您的手掌上的Echo Show或Echo Spot。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用手机从任何地方控制Amazon Echo

Of course, the only downside to these apps is that they aren’t quite as quick to use as the Voice Remote (where you can just pick it up and speak), and they don’t have the always-on listening of the Echo. But if you want a much cheaper alternative that you can also use while you’re away from home entirely, the Amazon app and Alexa app have got you covered.

当然,这些应用程序的唯一缺点是,它们的使用速度不如语音遥控器(在这里您可以接听并说出声音)那样快捷,并且它们无法始终在线收听Echo。 。 但是,如果您想要一种更便宜的替代品,并且可以在出门在外时也可以使用,那么Amazon应用程序和Alexa应用程序可以满足您的要求。

