亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上使用Twitter

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上使用Twitter


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上使用Twitter

You can already do a whole lot with your Amazon Echo, but now you can have Alexa read out tweets from your Twitter timeline and more. Here’s how to use Twitter on the Amazon Echo.

您已经可以使用Amazon Echo做很多事情 ,但是现在您可以让Alexa从Twitter时间轴等中读取推文。 这是在Amazon Echo上使用Twitter的方法。

RELATED: How to Set Up and Configure Your Amazon Echo

相关: 如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

Twitter now has an Alexa skill called Twitter Reader that you can use to have your Amazon Echo read back tweets in your timeline, or even mentions and replies that you get. You can also have Alexa read top tweets from trends and even narrow it down to a specific location, like top tweets in Chicago or New York City.

Twitter现在具有一项称为Twitter Reader的Alexa技能,您可以使用该技能让您的Amazon Echo在时间轴上回读推文,甚至可以提及和回复您的推文。 您还可以让Alexa阅读趋势中的热门推文,甚至将其范围缩小到特定位置,例如芝加哥或纽约市的热门推文。

Since it’s a third-party Alexa skill, you’ll need to manually install from within the Alexa app on your phone. You can read our guide on how to install Alexa skills, but you simply select “Skills” from the sidebar menu, and then search for “Twitter Reader”. From there, tap on “Enable Skill” and sign in to your Twitter account to link it.

由于这是第三方Alexa技能,因此您需要从手机上的Alexa应用程序内手动安装。 您可以阅读有关如何安装Alexa技能的指南 ,但只需在侧边栏菜单中选择“技能”,然后搜索“ Twitter阅读器”。 从那里,点击“启用技能”并登录到您的Twitter帐户进行链接。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上使用Twitter

So what can you do with the Twitter Reader skill? Here are a handful of Alexa commands that you can say:

那么,您可以利用Twitter Reader的技能做什么呢? 您可以说以下几个Alexa命令:

  • “Alexa, ask Twitter what is happening.” This will read the latest tweets from your timeline by Twitter users that you follow.

    “ Alexa,问一下Twitter发生了什么。” 这将读取您关注的Twitter用户从您的时间轴中获得的最新推文。

  • “Alexa, ask Twitter for Trends.” This will read off Twitter trends that are trending near your location. You can also ask for a specific location by adding “in Chicago” (or whatever city) to the end of the command. You can also select a specific trend by saying “tell me more about number four” (or whatever trend within the list).

    “ Alexa,向Twitter询问趋势。” 这将读出您所在位置附近的Twitter趋势。 您还可以通过在命令末尾添加“在芝加哥”(或其他城市)来请求特定位置。 您还可以通过说“告诉我更多有关第四位的信息”(或列表中的任何趋势)来选择特定趋势。

  • “Alexa, ask Twitter for my mentions.” This command will read off your latest mentions and replies.

    “ Alexa,问一下我的Twitter话题。” 该命令将读取您的最新提及和回复。

  • “Alexa, ask Twitter has anyone retweeted me?” This is self-explanatory, but it will tell you who retweeted you and what tweet was retweeted.

    “ Alexa,问Twitter有没有人转发过我?” 这是不言自明的,但是它将告诉您谁转发了您,以及转发了哪些推文。

  • “Alexa, ask Twitter for tweets I liked.” Alexa will read off the latest tweets that you liked or favorited.

    “ Alexa,向Twitter请求我喜欢的推文。” Alexa将阅读您喜欢或喜欢的最新推文。

  • “Alexa, ask Twitter for my own tweets.” If you can’t stop cracking up about your latest joke you told on Twitter, you can have Alexa read it back to you.

    “ Alexa,向Twitter请求我自己的推文。” 如果您不能停止在Twitter上讲的最新笑话,可以让Alexa读回来。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上使用Twitter

It’s probably not the best way to navigate Twitter and read through tweets, but if you’re busy and your hands are full with doing chores around the house, this is at least an option that you can use if you really want to know what’s happening in the Twitterverse.


