亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上启用,禁用和PIN保护语音购买

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上启用,禁用和PIN保护语音购买


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上启用,禁用和PIN保护语音购买

There’s a whole host of tricks your Amazon Echo is capable of and, among them, is a pretty neat one: you can order products right off Amazon using voice commands. Read on as we show you how to enable it, disable it, and add a PIN protection code to the ordering process.

您的Amazon Echo有很多技巧,其中包括一个很巧妙的技巧:您可以使用语音命令直接从Amazon订购产品。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何启用,禁用它以及在订购过程中添加PIN保护代码。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want Do Do This?)

If you arrived at this tutorial via search engine query there’s more than a few reasons that could have brought you here. Some people will be interested in taking advantage of the benefits of voice purchasing (it’s super handy to reorder something with a simple voice command when you’ve just run out of it).

如果您是通过搜索引擎查询来学习本教程的,则可能有很多原因会导致您进入这里。 有些人会对利用语音购买的好处感兴趣(当您用完语音命令时,用简单的语音命令重新排序非常方便)。

Other people will want to disable the voice ordering system so their kids or roommates don’t go around ordering things willy nilly. Finally, even if you do like the idea of ordering items off Amazon with a simple voice command you may want to, either for security purposes or to simply protect against accidental ordering, place a 4 digit PIN on the ordering system.

其他人将希望禁用语音订购系统,以使他们的孩子或室友不会随意订购东西。 最后,即使您喜欢通过简单的语音命令从亚马逊订购商品的想法,出于安全性目的或为了防止意外订购而可能想要这样做,也可以在订购系统上放置一个4位数的PIN。

Let’s take a look at how to even use the voice ordering system in the first place so you can decide if you want it on, off, or locked down, and then we’ll dig into how to do just that.


使用Alexa下订单 (Using Alexa To Place Orders)

There are two things you can purchase with your voice via the Alexa system. You can purchase music and you can reorder physical items. Why limit the ordering of physical items to reorders? The Amazon inventory is so vast and it’s difficult to convey all the information about products (especially those available from different vendors, with different shipping options, and so on) via the Alexa system; as such Amazon has opted, wisely we’d say, to limit voice ordering to just items you’ve already purchased and are familiar with.

您可以通过Alexa系统用语音购买两件东西。 您可以购买音乐,也可以重新订购实物。 为什么要限制实物项目的订购以重新订购? 亚马逊的库存量如此之大,很难通过Alexa系统传达有关产品的所有信息(尤其是可从不同供应商处获得的信息,具有不同的运输方式等等)。 因此,明智地说,亚马逊选择将语音订购限制在您已经购买并熟悉的商品上。

订购音乐 (Ordering Music)

When buying music through the Amazon Digital Music Store you can approach your purchasing one of two ways. First you can shop by song or album, as well as by artist with commands like:

通过Amazon Digital Music Store购买音乐时,您可以采用以下两种方式之一进行购买。 首先,您可以通过歌曲或专辑,以及通过艺术家使用以下命令来购买艺术家:

Alexa, shop for the song [name].


Alexa, shop for [album name].


Alexa, shop for [new] songs by [artist name].


The other way to purchase music is to purchase the sample you’re currently listening to. Sometimes when you use a command like “Alexa, play ‘Shake It Off’ by Taylor Swift” you’ll only hear a snippet of the song and will be told it’s just sample because the song is not part of the Prime music library. In such instances you can use the following commands to purchase the song or album:

购买音乐的另一种方法是购买您当前正在收听的样本。 有时,当您使用诸如“ Alexa,播放Tayl​​or Swift的'Shake It Off'”之类的命令时,您只会听到一小段歌曲,并且会被告知只是示例,因为该歌曲不属于Prime音乐库。 在这种情况下,您可以使用以下命令购买歌曲或专辑:

Alexa, buy this [song/album].


Alexa, add this [song/album] to my library.


Like with all Amazon Music purchases any songs you purchase are stored for free on your Amazon account and you can access them from any device with the Amazon Music app installed.

与所有Amazon Music购买一样,您购买的任何歌曲都免费存储在您的Amazon帐户中,您可以从安装了Amazon Music应用程序的任何设备*问它们。

重新订购实物 (Reordering Physical Items)

If you buy a lot off Amazon and/or you take advantage of the Subscribe & Save system (where you get routine purchases like paper towels and detergent off Amazon at a discount) then you’ll likely find reordering via the Alexa to be very convenient both in practice and in terms of ease of use.


The command to reorder products via Alexa is as simple as it gets:


Alexa, reorder [item name].


So, for example, if you regularly order Mr. Super Sparkle Toothpaste off Amazon and you’ve just run out, you could simply say “Alexa, reorder Mr. Super Sparkle Toothpaste” and after a moment of calculation Alexa would respond with something like “I’ve found Mr. Super Sparkle Toothpaste in your order history. The order total is $5.99. Should I order it?” Simply reply “Yes” or “No”.

因此,例如,如果您定期从亚马逊订购了Super Sparkle Toothpaste先生,而您刚用完,您只需说“ Alexa,重新订购Super Sparkle牙膏先生”,经过一会儿的计算,Alexa会回答类似“我在您的订购历史中找到了Super Sparkle牙膏先生。 订单总额为$ 5.99。 我应该点吗?” 只需回答“是”或“否”即可。

If Alexa can’t find a good match or you say “No” when she asks to order it on your behalf, you can open up your Amazon Alexa app for alternative items and additional details.

如果Alexa找不到合适的匹配项,或者当她要求您代您订购时说“不”,则可以打开Amazon Alexa应用程序以获取替代商品和其他详细信息。

启用和禁用语音购买 (Enabling and Disabling Voice Purchasing)

If all that sounds great and you’re ready to start using your Alexa voice assistant to place orders, let’s take a moment to confirm that you have voice ordering enabled. Not so thrilled about the idea? We can turn it off in the same location.

如果一切听起来不错,并且您准备好开始使用Alexa语音助手下订单,那么请花一点时间来确认您已启用语音订购。 对这个想法不那么兴奋吗? 我们可以在同一位置将其关闭。

To do so start by opening up your Amazon Alexa app on your smartphone or navigating to while logged into the Amazon account the controls the Echo.

为此,请先在智能手机上打开Amazon Alexa应用程序,或者在登录到控制Echo的Amazon帐户时导航至。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上启用,禁用和PIN保护语音购买

Navigate to Settings in the left-hand menu and select “Voice Purchasing” as seen above.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上启用,禁用和PIN保护语音购买

In the Voice Purchasing section there is a simple toggle beside “Purchase by voice”. Toggle it on or off depending on whether or not you wish to enable or disable voice purchasing.

在语音购买部分中,“语音购买”旁边有一个简单的切换。 根据您是否要启用或禁用语音购买,将其打开或关闭。

通过PIN保护语音购买 (Securing Voice Purchasing Via PIN)

While we’re in the Voice Purchasing menu, there is an additional tweak we can apply. If you wish to use voice purchasing but want to add in a PIN code to either prevent accidental purchases or other users of the Echo from making purchases without your permission, you can so do so here.

在“语音购买”菜单中时,我们可以应用其他一些调整。 如果您想使用语音购买,但想添加PIN码以防止意外购买或Echo的其他用户未经您的许可进行购买,则可以在此处进行。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上启用,禁用和PIN保护语音购买

In the “Require confirmation code” section enter a 4 digit code. Select “Save Changes” once you have entered your code to commit the new security code to your Echo.

在“要求确认代码”部分中,输入4位数字的代码。 输入密码后,选择“保存更改”,将新的安全密码提交给您的Echo。

There’s two important things to note about the PIN code system. First, you have to say it out loud when using the voice ordering system. Second, it appears in plain text in your Amazon Alexa app. It’s not a perfect system, to be sure, and we recommend selecting a totally unique PIN for this process and not the same one you use for your bank account or to, say, secure the media center’s adult content from the kids (because they’re bound to hear your say it at some point).

关于PIN码系统,有两点需要注意。 首先,在使用语音订购系统时,您必须大声说出来。 其次,它以纯文本形式显示在您的Amazon Alexa应用程序中。 可以肯定地说,这不是一个完美的系统,我们建议为此过程选择一个完全唯一的PIN,而不要使用与您用于银行帐户的PIN相同的PIN,例如,为了保护孩子免受媒体中心成人内容的侵害(因为一定会听到您的发言)。

Nonetheless it’s still a nice way to ensure that anyone who has access to your Echo can’t willy nilly order things (and it will prevent the primary users from accidentally ordering things because reading off the PIN like you’re giving security clearance to the ship computer on Star Trek definitely gives you time to think about a purchase).


Have a question about your Amazon Echo or the Alexa voice assistant? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对您的Amazon Echo或Alexa语音助手有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

