亚马逊echo中国使用_如何根据活动在Amazon Echo上播放音乐

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何根据活动在Amazon Echo上播放音乐


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何根据活动在Amazon Echo上播放音乐

You can ask Alexa to play music from a particular artist or genre, but finding the right music for your work out or for falling asleep to is a little more complex than justpicking a genre. Fortunately, you can ask Alexa for music based on what you’re doing. Here’s how it works and what you can use it for.

您可以要求Alexa播放特定艺术家或流派的音乐,但是要找到适合您的工作或入睡的音乐比挑选流派要复杂得多。 幸运的是,您可以根据自己的工作向Alexa询问音乐。 这是它的工作方式以及它的用途。

One of Alexa’s newer features lets you ask for music based on a certain activity. So, for example, if you want to meditate, you can say “Alexa, play music for meditating” and your Echo will start playing some soft, soothing music. Say “Alexa, play music for working out” and she’ll give you something a bit more high energy and upbeat. To get the most out of this feature, you’ll need to either be a Prime Music or Music Unlimited subscriber.

Alexa的一项较新功能使您可以根据特定活动请求音乐。 因此,例如,如果您想冥想,可以说“ Alexa,播放音乐进行冥想”,您的Echo将开始播放一些柔和而舒缓的音乐。 说“ Alexa,播放音乐以锻炼身体”,她会给您带来更多活力和乐观的感觉。 要充分利用此功能,您需要是Prime MusicMusic Unlimited订阅者。

Amazon says that Alexa can respond to over 500 voice commands for activities already, so you can try out some of the following commands:

亚马逊表示,Alexa已经可以响应500多种语音命令进行活动 ,因此您可以尝试以下一些命令:

  • “Play music for getting pumped up.”

  • “Play music for working out.”

  • “Play music for running.”

  • “Play music for jogging.”

  • “Play music for cleaning.”

  • “Play music for cooking.”

  • “Play music for meditating.”

  • “Play music for relaxing.”

  • “Play music for sleeping.”

  • “Play music for partying.”

  • “Play music for hooking up.”

  • “Play music for baby-making.”


Yes, those last couple are real. This is just a small sample of the activities for which Alexa can find music. You can also narrow down the type of music you want to play by tossing a genre into these commands. For example, saying “Alexa, play jazz music for working out” gets an upbeat playlist, while “Alexa, play jazz music for sleeping” gives you slower, more relaxing jazz.

是的,最后几对是真实的。 这只是Alexa可以找到音乐的活动的一小部分。 您还可以通过将流派投入这些命令来缩小想要播放的音乐的类型。 例如,说“ Alexa,播放爵士音乐以锻炼”会获得乐观的播放列表,而“ Alexa,播放爵士音乐以睡眠”会给您带来更慢,更放松的爵士乐。

