亚马逊echo中国使用_如何阻止您的Amazon Echo收听

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何阻止您的Amazon Echo收听


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何阻止您的Amazon Echo收听

The crux of Amazon’s personal voice-assistant Alexa and the companion hardware the Amazon Echo is that she’s always there listening and ready to help but that doesn’t mean that you always want Alexa listening and at the ready.

亚马逊的个人语音助手Alexa和配套硬件Amazon Echo的症结在于,她总是在那里聆听并随时准备提供帮助,但这并不意味着您总是希望Alexa聆听并随时准备就绪。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Why disable the microphone system on your Echo? Because everybody needs a little time alone? While we’re confident that someone who was genuinely worried about the privacy implications of the always-at-your-finger-tips Alexa voice-assistant system wouldn’t actually purchase an Echo in the first place, those of us who are less concerned about the matter and actually own Echo may still have reasons for wanting to disable the microphone now and then.

为什么要在Echo上禁用麦克风系统? 因为每个人都需要一点时间吗? 虽然我们相信有人真正担心始终在指尖上的Alexa语音助手系统对隐私的影响,但实际上他们并不会首先购买Echo,而我们中那些不太关心的人关于此事,实际上自己的Echo仍然有理由不时地禁用麦克风。

Whether you’re talking about some hush-hush secrets with your spouse or your kid’s piano tutor’s name is Alexa and you’re all collectively sick of Alexa-the-voice-assistant chiming in every time Alexa-the-tutor gets asked a question, it’s easy to temporarily disable the microphones.

无论您是在谈论与配偶的秘密秘密,还是您孩子的钢琴老师的名字叫Alexa,每次被Alexa辅导老师问到问题时,您都会厌倦了Alexa-voice-Assistant语音提示。 ,可以很容易地暂时禁用麦克风。

It’s worth noting that if you have an Amazon Echo Remote the remote microphone (which is push-for-use and not always on) remains available even if the main unit has the microphone array disabled. This is particularly handy if you’ve disabled the microphones but still wish to use Alexa to add something to your shopping list, change the music, or what not, without fully turning on the array again.

值得注意的是, 如果您有Amazon Echo Remote ,即使主机禁用了麦克风阵列,远程麦克风(即按即用,但并不总是打开)仍然可用。 如果您已禁用麦克风,但仍希望使用Alexa将商品添加到购物清单,更改音乐或不更改商品,而无需再次完全打开阵列,则这特别方便。

禁用回声麦克风 (Disabling Your Echo’s Microphone)

Amazon must have predicted that the biggest element of consumer backlash against adopting the Echo was the specter of the Big Brother’esque always-on-microphone system. As such they made it ridiculously easy to disable the microphones if you so desire. How easy? There’s a large microphone mute button located directly atop the device.

亚马逊一定已经预见到,消费者反对采用Echo的最大抵制因素就是“老大哥”式的始终在线麦克风系统的幽灵。 因此,如果您愿意的话,它们使禁用麦克风变得异常简单。 有多容易? 设备顶部直接有一个大的麦克风静音按钮。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何阻止您的Amazon Echo收听

Tap the microphone button and the indicator ring and both glow intensely red to indicate that the device is no longer operational and will not accept voice commands until the microphone is enabled again. Curious if the state persists through power outages? We were too; it turns out that the Echo recalls the microphone state and after the boot sequence where the indicator ring flashes blue and Alexa says “Hello!”, it returns immediately to the disabled state.

轻按麦克风按钮和指示灯环,两者均呈红色强烈亮起,表明该设备不再可用,并且在再次启用麦克风之前不会接受语音命令。 好奇状态是否因停电而持续存在? 我们也是; 事实证明,回声会调出麦克风状态,并且在启动序列后指示灯环闪烁蓝色并且Alexa说“ Hello!”,它立即返回禁用状态。

缺少的功能:语音驱动的禁用 (The Missing Feature: Voice-Driven Disabling)

One feature we found missing, and surprisingly so given that the whole appeal of the Echo is voice control, is the inability to turn off the microphone via voice command. If you issue a command to Alexa like “Alexa, turn off the microphone” she’ll cheerily announce that there are no connected home devices that fit that description and give you instructions on how to set up the connected home features of the Alexa/Echo system.

我们发现缺少一个功能,并且令人惊讶的是,鉴于Echo的全部吸引力在于语音控制,它无法通过语音命令关闭麦克风。 如果您向Alexa发出“ Alexa,关闭麦克风”之类的命令,她会愉快地宣布没有符合该说明的已连接家庭设备,并向您提供有关如何设置Alexa / Echo的已连接家庭功能的说明系统。

Although we realize that issuing a voice command to turn off the microphones is a one-way street (after all Alexa won’t be listening to turn them back on) it’s still a feature we’d like to see in future updates.


Have a pressing question about your Amazon Echo? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to help.

对您的Amazon Echo有一个紧迫的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将竭尽所能。

