亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

The Echo Show is Amazon’s newest voice assistant gadget. This time around, Alexa comes with a screen so she can play videos, show you your events, and let you see search results rather than having them read aloud to you. It seems a little contradictory for a voice assistant at first, but the Echo Show has a few advantages over its tubular counterpart. Here’s how to set yours up.

Echo Show是亚马逊最新的语音助手小工具。 这次,Alexa配备了一个屏幕,以便她可以播放视频,向您显示事件并让您看到搜索结果,而不必大声地朗读给您。 这似乎在第一语音助手有点矛盾,但在回波显示拥有一些优势的管状对应 。 这是设置您的方法。

To set up your Echo Show, plug in the power cable that came in the box and connect it to the Show. After a moment, it will boot up and ask you to connect to a Wi-Fi network. Pick your network from the list.

要设置Echo Show,请插入包装盒中随附的电源线并将其连接到Show。 片刻之后,它将启动,并要求您连接到Wi-Fi网络。 从列表中选择您的网络。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

Use the split-screen keyboard to enter your Wi-Fi password. The keyboard is designed so you can grab the Show with both hands and type with your thumbs. While it can be a little awkward, depending on the size of your hands, it’s easier than hunting and pecking.

使用分屏键盘输入您的Wi-Fi密码。 键盘的设计使您可以用双手抓住Show并用拇指打字。 虽然可能有些尴尬,但取决于您的手的大小,它比打猎和啄食要容易。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

Next, you’ll have to enter your Amazon email address and password using the on screen keyboard.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

If you have two-factor authentication enabled (and you should), you’ll need to enter the six digit code generated by your authenticator app.

如果您启用了双重身份验证( 并且应该启用),则需要输入由身份验证器应用生成的六位数代码。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

Next, confirm your time zone.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

You’ll have to agree to the Alexa terms and conditions. Tap Continue.

您必须同意Alexa的条款和条件。 点击继续。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

If there are any updates available (and there probably are), you’ll have to download and install them before you continue.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

Once the updates are applied, your Echo Show will reboot. A short video will play explaining what you can do with your new device.

应用更新后,您的Echo Show将重新启动。 将播放一个简短的视频,说明您可以使用新设备做什么。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何使用Amazon Echo Show进行设置和入门

Once the video’s over, you’ll see the home screen. You can swipe down from the top of the screen to open a quick settings menu or to go home. The Echo Show can do a lot of what the Echo can, plus a few new tricks thanks to the screen. Here are some of the new commands you can try:

视频结束后,您将看到主屏幕。 您可以从屏幕顶部向下滑动以打开快速设置菜单或回家。 Echo Show可以做很多Echo可以做的事情,加上屏幕,还可以做一些新的技巧。 您可以尝试以下一些新命令:

  • “Alexa, show me the trailer for Thor: Ragnarok”: The Echo Show can pull up any movie trailer and play it on the screen.

    “ Alexa,给我看《雷神3:诸神黄昏》的预告片”: Echo Show可以拉出任何电影预告片并在屏幕上播放。

  • “Alexa, search YouTube for Danbull”: Search YouTube to find videos or channels you want to watch. The Show will display search results, with a number for each listing. If you want to play the second video, for example, follow it up with “Alexa, play number 2” and the Echo Show will play that video.

    “ Alexa,在YouTube上搜索Danbull”:搜索YouTube以查找您要观看的视频或频道。 节目将显示搜索结果,每个列表都有一个数字。 例如,如果要播放第二个视频,请在其后跟“ Alexa,播放编号2”,然后Echo Show将播放该视频。

  • “Alexa, play music by Weird Al”: You can play music with any Echo, but the Show has a neat extra trick. When you play music on the Echo Show, it will display the lyrics for the songs as it plays.

    “ Alexa,由Weird Al播放音乐”:您可以在任何Echo上播放音乐,但Show有一个巧妙的额外技巧。 在Echo Show上播放音乐时,它将在播放时显示歌曲的歌词。

  • “Alexa, show the front door camera”: If you have a supported security camera—including those from Nest, August, Arlo, and Ring—you can pull up a live video feed of your camera from the Echo Show. Open the Alexa app and add the Alexa Skill for your camera to enable this.

    “ Alexa,显示前门摄像机”:如果您拥有受支持的安全摄像机(包括Nest,August,Arlo和Ring的安全摄像机),则可以从Echo Show中获取摄像机的实时视频源。 打开Alexa应用并为您的相机添加Alexa技能以启用此功能。

  • “Alexa, show me a paella recipe”: Using skills like AllRecipes, Alexa can pull up recipes for a dish and display it on the screen. You can read the ingredients and scroll through the instructions, rather than having each step read aloud to you.

    “ Alexa,给我看一个西班牙海鲜饭食谱”:使用AllRecipes之类的技能,Alexa可以提取一道菜的食谱并将其显示在屏幕上。 您可以阅读成分并滚动浏览说明,而不必大声朗读每个步骤。

  • Alexa, set a timer for 30 minutes”: When you use this basic command on the Echo Show, the device will display your timer on the screen so you can see how long you have left until the timer is finished. If you want to cancel your timer, you can simply swipe it away on the screen.

    Alexa,将计时器设置为30分钟”:在Echo Show上使用此基本命令时,设备将在屏幕上显示计时器,以便您可以看到计时器还剩多长时间。 如果您想取消计时器,只需将其在屏幕上滑动即可。

The Echo Show brings plenty of new commands to the table, while making older Alexa commands even more useful and convenient. If you want to find even more things to do with your Show, check the card that came with your device or say “Alexa, what can you do?” any time.

Echo Show将大量新命令添加到表中,同时使旧的Alexa命令更加有用和方便。 如果您想找到更多与演出相关的内容,请查看设备随附的卡,或说“ Alexa,您能做什么?” 任何时候。

