亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Your Amazon Echo is really good at giving you up-to-the-minute weather, traffic reports, and sports updates, but only if you help it out a bit by tweaking the device settings. Here’s how to fine-tune them.

您的Amazon Echo确实非常擅长为您提供最新的天气,路况报告和体育更新,但前提是您需要通过调整设备设置来有所帮助。 这是微调它们的方法。

In our guide to setting up the Echo, we got you up and running with the Echo and Alexa, Amazon’s voice-summoned personal digital assistant. We showed off many Alexa tricks in that tutorial, but we didn’t dive too deeply into the local weather, traffic reports, and sports features. Unlike the tricks that work right out of the box (like asking Alexa science questions or for measurement conversions), the weather, traffic, and sports features work best when you’ve actively fine tuned them to you location, your specific commute, and your favorite teams.

设置Echo的指南中 ,我们让您与Echo和亚马逊语音召唤的个人数字助理Alexa一起运行。 我们在该教程中展示了许多Alexa的技巧,但是我们并没有深入研究当地的天气,交通报告和体育功能。 与开箱即用的技巧不同(例如询问Alexa科学问题或进行度量转换),天气,交通和体育功能在您将其微调到您的位置,特定通勤和您的位置后最有效最喜欢的球队。

如何配置Echo的地理设置 (How to Configure The Echo’s Geographic Settings)

You can access the necessary settings either by using the Alexa app for iOS or Android, or by navigating to while logged into your Amazon account.


For the purposes of this tutorial, we’re going to configure the Echo for an imagined owner who lives in Beverly Hills, CA, commutes to the University of California Los Angeles campus, and is actually a transplant from the Midwest who follows his Minneapolis hometown sports teams very closely.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Open the app or web page and use the left-hand menu to select “Settings”. Once in the settings menu, we can easily navigate to the necessary sub-menus.

打开应用程序或网页,然后使用左侧菜单选择“设置”。 进入设置菜单后,我们可以轻松导航至必要的子菜单。

天气 (Weather)

Let’s start with adjusting the weather settings because, unlike traffic and sports, it’s the least intuitive of them all. Unlike the other two options, the weather forecast doesn’t have it’s own specifically named menu category and is instead found in the general settings of the Echo.

让我们从调整天气设置开始,因为与交通和体育不同,这是最不直观的。 与其他两个选项不同,天气预报没有自己专门命名的菜单类别,而是在Echo的常规设置中找到。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

To find the weather settings, navigate to Settings > [Your Name]’s Echo. In the second section of the general Echo settings menu, you’ll find “Device location”. Our zip code was, curiously, in the general geographic region we live in but not the zip code of our billing address/residence.

要查找天气设置,请导航至设置> [您的名字]的回声。 在常规“回声设置”菜单的第二部分,您将找到“设备位置”。 奇怪的是,我们的邮政编码位于我们居住的一般地理区域中,而不是帐单地址/住所的邮政编码。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Click the “Edit” link and, as seen above, edit in your address. We entered a full street address (as this entry can potentially be used by other future Echo features), but a zip code is sufficient for accurate weather updates.

单击“编辑”链接,然后如上所示在您的地址中进行编辑。 我们输入了完整的街道地址(因为此条目将来可能会被其他Echo功能使用),但是邮政编码足以满足准确的天气更新要求。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Once configured you can say “Alexa, weather update” or some variation like “Alexa, how’s the weather?” and you’ll get the current weather for your zip code as well as a forecast. In addition to the verbal feedback, Alexa will also push the information as an update card in the Alexa app (as seen above).

配置完成后,您可以说“ Alexa,天气更新”或类似“ Alexa,天气如何?”的变体形式 然后您将获得邮政编码的当前天气以及天气预报。 除了口头反馈之外,Alexa还将在Alexa应用程序中将信息作为更新卡推送(如上所示)。

流量报告 (Traffic Reports)

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

The traffic report section is a little bit more straight forward, as there is a clear “Traffic” entry in the settings menu. Navigate there via Settings > Traffic.

流量报告部分更加简单明了,因为在设置菜单中有一个清晰的“流量”条目。 通过“设置”>“流量”导航到那里。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Inside the Traffic menu, the “From” section should be pre-populated with mailing address in your Amazon account. If that address is not pre-populated, or if you wish to use a different address, click “Change address” and edit it.

在“流量”菜单中,“发件人”部分应使用您的Amazon帐户中的邮寄地址预先填充。 如果该地址未预先填写,或者您希望使用其他地址,请单击“更改地址”并进行编辑。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

After that, click “Add address” in the “To” section to designate your destination. If you regularly make stops on the way to your destination you can click the “Add stop” box to add in one or more additional stops on your route.

之后,在“收件人”部分中单击“添加地址”以指定目的地。 如果您定期在到达目的地的途中停靠,可以单击“添加停靠”框以在路线中添加一个或多个其他停靠站。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Once this section is configured you can say “Alexa, traffic update” and Alexa will respond both with a verbal response indicating the fastest route to your destination and the estimated commute time, as well as entering the route information and alternative routes as a card in the Alexa app.

配置完此部分后,您可以说“ Alexa,路况更新”,Alexa会做出口头回应,指出到达目的地的最快路线和预计的通勤时间,并在卡中输入路线信息和替代路线Alexa应用程序。

体育更新 (Sports Updates)

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Just like the traffic settings, the sports setting has a dedicated menu; you can find it at Settings > Sports Update.

就像交通设置一样,运动设置也有专门的菜单。 您可以在“设置”>“体育更新”中找到它。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Inside the Sports Update section, you’ll find a search box. You can input the actual team name, the city, or the state that hosts the team. In the case of our transplanted Midwesterner who wants to follow all his hometown teams, it makes the most sense to just search for Minnesota.

在“体育更新”部分中,您会找到一个搜索框。 您可以输入实际的团队名称,城市或托管团队的州。 对于我们的移植的Midwesterner想要跟随他的所有家乡球队的情况,仅搜索明尼苏达州是最有意义的。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

Although we’re using all teams from the same region, you can just as easily mix and match teams by using multiple searches. Once you’ve selected the teams you want to keep up with, you can use a variety of commands with Alexa to get sports updates.

尽管我们使用的是同一地区的所有团队,但您也可以通过多次搜索轻松地混合和匹配团队。 选择了想要跟上的团队后,您可以在Alexa上使用各种命令来获取体育更新。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

If you ask for a general update via “Alexa, sports updates”, she will tell you about the most recent games for the in-season teams you follow. You can also ask for specific sports updates like “Alexa, how are the Vikings doing?” and she will give you information about the last game they played in and when, if applicable, they are playing next. As with weather and traffic updates, Alexa will create a card with related information, as seen above, after your verbal query.

如果您要求通过“ Alexa,体育赛事更新”进行一般更新,她会告诉您您所关注的赛季球队的最新比赛。 您还可以要求进行特定的体育更新,例如“ Alexa,维京人最近怎么样?” 她会为您提供有关他们上一场比赛以及下一次比赛的时间(如果适用)的信息。 与天气和交通更新一样,Alexa将在您进行口头查询后创建一张包含相关信息的卡片,如上所述。

With a little bit of fine tuning your Echo will be perfectly dialed into your locale, your personal commute, and your favorite sports teams with Alexa always ready to keep you abreast of all three.


Image credit Unsplash.


