亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

The Amazon Echo is a very capable speaker that can easily fill up a room with sound. While you can play music directly from the device itself, here’s how to connect your smartphone or tablet to the Amazon Echo and use it as a Bluetooth speaker.

亚马逊Echo是一款功能强大的扬声器,可以轻松使房间充满声音。 虽然您可以直接从设备本身播放音乐,但以下是将智能手机或平板电脑连接到Amazon Echo并将其用作蓝牙扬声器的方法。

There are a handful of music services that are built into the Echo, including Spotify, Pandora, and Amazon’s own Prime Music service, but if you want to be able to play anything from the Echo’s speaker, you can connect your phone or tablet and use it as a regular ol’ Bluetooth speaker.

Echo内置了一些音乐服务,包括Spotify,Pandora和亚马逊自己的Prime Music服务,但是如果您希望能够通过Echo扬声器播放任何音乐,则可以连接手机或平板电脑并使用作为普通的蓝牙扬声器。

However, there’s no mechanism for using it is a speakerphone, and if you make or receive calls with your smartphone while paired with the Echo, the calls will not be transferred over to the speaker. Likewise, text messages can’t be read to the Echo, nor will on-device notifications be passed to the Echo’s speaker.

但是,没有使用它的方法是扬声器电话,如果在与Echo配对时使用智能手机拨打或接听电话,则呼叫不会转移到扬声器。 同样,短信无法读取到Echo,也无法将设备上的通知传递给Echo的扬声器。

如何将设备与语音命令配对 (How to Pair Your Device With a Voice Command)

The biggest draw of the Amazon Echo is the voice control, so it’s only natural that you can initiate the pairing process with your voice. Before you proceed, make sure you have the device you wish to pair on hand and that you know where the Bluetooth settings menu is for your device. We’ll be pairing an iPhone with the Echo, so if you have an iPhone or iPad you can follow directly along, otherwise adjust them to fit your device.

Amazon Echo最大的吸引力在于语音控制,因此自然可以启动与语音的配对过程。 在继续之前,请确保已准备好要配对的设备,并且知道设备的蓝牙设置菜单在哪里。 我们会将iPhone与Echo配对,因此,如果您有iPhone或iPad,则可以直接跟随,否则请调整它们以适合您的设备。

To start the pairing process make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device and then issue the following command:


Alexa, pair.


Alexa will respond by telling you that she is ready to pair and that you should go look at the Bluetooth settings on your device. On the iPhone you’ll find the Bluetooth settings in Settings > Bluetooth. There you’ll see an entry for the Echo like so:

Alexa会通过告诉您她已准备好进行配对来做出回应,您应该去看看设备上的蓝牙设置。 在iPhone上,您可以在设置>蓝牙中找到蓝牙设置。 在这里,您将看到Echo的条目,如下所示:

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

Select the entry to complete the pairing process.


如何从Alexa应用程序配对设备 (How to Pair Your Device from the Alexa App)

In addition to pairing with a voice command, you can also open up the Alexa app on your phone or tablet and initiate the pairing process there.


Start by tapping on the menu icon in the upper-left corner.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

Select “Settings”.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

Select your Echo from the list toward the top.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

On the next screen tap on “Bluetooth”.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

Here you can select “Pairing Mode” to begin the pairing process, or if you need to remove Bluetooth devices from the Echo, you can select “Clear” to wipe the Bluetooth pairing roster completely.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

Once you’ve selected “Pairing Mode”, the app will provide a pop-up saying that it’s in pairing mode.


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何将Amazon Echo用作蓝牙扬声器

From here, you’ll need to go into the Bluetooth settings on your device to connect the Echo to your phone or tablet, just line in the previous section.


使用并重新连接配对的设备 (Using and Reconnecting Your Paired Device)

After you’ve paired your device you can immediately begin using the Echo as a Bluetooth speaker for any streaming service, podcast, or video on your phone or tablet. When you leave the area, your device and the Echo will disconnect. When you return to the speaker in the future, it will recall your pairing and you may reconnect your device with the command:

配对设备后,您可以立即将Echo用作蓝牙扬声器,用于手机或平板电脑上的任何流媒体服务,播客或视频。 当您离开该区域时,您的设备和Echo将断开连接。 将来当您返回扬声器时,它将恢复您的配对,您可以使用以下命令重新连接设备:

Alexa, connect.


The command always reconnects the Echo with the most recently paired device. If your Echo is not pairing with the device you’re currently using, you may need to re-pair it with your Echo to resolve any connectivity issues.

该命令始终将Echo与最近配对的设备重新连接。 如果您的Echo未与当前使用的设备配对,则可能需要将其与Echo重新配对以解决任何连接问题。

