

我正在寻找提取包含版本号的数组元素,其中版本号是在字符串的开始或结尾或由空格填充,并且是一系列数字和句点,但不以句号开始或结束。例如“10.10 Thingy”和“Thingy 10.10.5”是有效的,但“无论4”不是。使用正则表达式检测版本号的具体格式

haystack = ["10.10 Thingy", "Thingy 10.10.5", "Whatever 4", "Whatever 4.x"] 
haystack.select{ |i| i[/(?<=^|)(\d+)(\.\d+)*(?=$|)/] } 
=> ["10.10 Thingy", "Thingy 10.10.5", "Whatever 4"] 



r =/
    (?<=\A|\s) # match the beginning of the string or a space in a positive lookbehind 
    (?:\d+\.)+ # match >= 1 digits followed by a period in a non-capture group, >= 1 times 
    \d+  # match >= 1 digits 
    (?=\s|\z) # match a space or the end of the string in a positive lookahead 
    /x   # free-spacing regex definition mode 

haystack = ["10.10 Thingy", "Thingy 10.10.5", "Whatever 4", "Whatever 4.x"] 

haystack.select { |str| str =~ r } 
    #=> ["10.10 Thingy", "Thingy 10.10.5"] 


r =/
    [\A\s\] # match the beginning of the string or a space 
    (?:\d+\.)+ # match >= 1 digits followed by a period in a non-capture group, >= 1 times 
    \d+  # match >= 1 digits 
    [\s\z]  # match a space or the end of the string in a positive lookahead 
    /x   # free-spacing regex definition mode 

haystack.select { |str| str =~ r } 
    #=> ["10.10 Thingy", "Thingy 10.10.5"] 


r =/
    (?<=\A|\s\) # match the beginning of string or a space in a pos lookbehind 
    (?:\d+\.)+ # match >= 1 digits then a period in non-capture group, >= 1 times 
    \d+   # match >= 1 digits 
    (?=\s|\z) # match a space or end of string in a pos lookahead 
    /x   # free-spacing regex definition mode 

haystack.each_with_object({}) do |str,h| 
    version = str[r] 
    h[str] = version if version 
    # => {"10.10 Thingy"=>"10.10", "Thingy 10.10.5"=>"10.10.5"} 

感谢您的详细信息! – Archonic


haystack.select{ |i| i[/(?<=^|)(\d+)(\.\d+)+(?=$|)/] }
