TLS 协议所定义的严重错误代码是 10。Windows SChannel 错误状态是 1203

windows 2012 操作系统下面报36888/36887。

生成了一个严重警告并将其发送到远程终结点。这会导致连接终止。TLS 协议所定义的严重错误代码是 10。Windows SChannel 错误状态是 1203。

从远程终点接收到一个严重警告。TLS 协议所定义的严重警告代码为 48。


Logging options

The default value for Schannel event logging is 0×0000 in Windows NT Server 4.0, which means that no Schannel events are logged. In Windows 2000 Server and Windows XP Professional, this value is set to 0×0001, which means that error messages are logged. Additionally, you can log multiple events by specifying the hexadecimal value that equates to the logging options that you want. For example, to log error messages (0×0001) and warnings (0×0002), set the value to0×0003.

Value Description
0×0000 Do not log
0×0001 Log error messages
0×0002 Log warnings
0×0004 Log informational and   success events


How to enable Schannel event logging in IIS


  1. 定位到HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\Schannel

  • 注:因为以下操作关系到注册表,我们建议您先对注册表值做备份。
